Women in Leadership

Statistics on Women in Politics

Women MLA’s in the Nova Scotia Legislature Past and Present

January, 2008
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A Few Statistics on Women and Elected Office

October 18, 2007
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Number and Proportion of Women MLAs in Provincial and Territorial Legislatures

current to October 18, 2007

Source: Parliament of Canada website: http://www2.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/compilations/ProvinceTerritory/Women.aspx?Language=E

First Nations Chiefs and Councillors by Gender in Nova Scotia

January, 2008

Source: Individual Band Council Offices. Please note that the letter "C" denotes Chief.

Women as Proportion of Municipal Councillors Elected in Nova Scotia 2004 Municipal Elections

Source: Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations

Women as Proportion of Federal MPs for Canada and Nova Scotia, 2007

Source: Parliament of Canada website: http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/related/province/WomenProv.asp?Lang=E&Hist;=N

Women Candidates in Nova Scotia Elections, 1999-2006