Links - Employment / Business


Employment / Business

Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre
Lots of information on everything about starting and running your own business, from a "business tool kit" to a searchable database of government programs and services for small business, and local contact offices, names and numbers.

Centre for Women in Business (Mount Saint Vincent University)
The Centre for Women in Business is a not-for-profit organization designed to to help women start their own business. Created to fill a need not already satisfied by other groups, the Centre recognizes that women face certain challenges in owning and operating their own businesses.

Dress for Success
Dress for Success is a non-profit organization that helps low-income women make tailored transitions into the workforce. Each Dress for Success client receives one suit when she has an interview and a second suit when she gets the job. Women are referred to Dress for Success from diverse, non-profit member organizations which include homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, job training programs and English as a second language programs. "These suits symbolize our faith in every woman's ability to succeed." Note: Click on "locations" on the site to get contact information for the Halifax chapter of Dress for Success.

ENTRENET is an online knowledge network that can be used to post research and discuss issues facing women in business. This Canadian initiative promises a user-friendly way to connect, collaborate, exchange information and reduce costs and inefficiencies. Your participation in ENTRENET and the sharing of opinions and resources will help all women to ensure that Canada remains a best practice nation for stimulating women's entrepreneurship.

Job Junction
A community resource for employment and career information, located in Halifax. At the Job Junction office, you can access computers, laser printers, e-mail, fax, and telephones to help you in your job search. Staff will help you, wiht tips, referrals, job listings, and employment related seminars and workshops.
Best of all - the service is FREE!
For more information, call (902) 455-WORK or e-mail:

2001 National Work-Life Conflict Study: Report 1
(Executive summary, with link to pdf downloadable file of complete report)
This major study was done by Dr. Linda Duxbury and Dr. Chris Higgins for Health Canada. It looks at the difficulties many Canadians face in trying to juggle employment with caregiving and other important family responsibilities, and makes recommendations as to what might be done to help with this difficult balance.

Work-Life Conflict in Canada in the New Millennium: A Status Report
(executive summary with link to pdf downloadable file of full report)
Follows up on Duxbury and Higgins' 2001 report on the work-life balance, and how difficult it is for many Canadians to achieve. Feel like you are drowning the demands of work and the rest of your life? This report will shoe you - you are far from alone!

Women's CED Network
This Nova Scotia program is designed to build women's awareness, skills, and interest in Community-based Economic Development (CED) and to improve women's economic well-being. The Women's CED network can help you if you are interested in starting a business, learning about new ways to finance community projects, writing proposals, participating in community boards...and more!

Women's Employment Outreach
WEO has been helping women for over 20 years inthe Halifax Metro area. WEO offers free employment counselling, courses to help women find or re-enter paid employment, information and referral to uprgrading and training programs. Get an idea of what WEO offers by looking at the descriptions of workshops offered , and the at various locations in the Halifax Metro area.

Work-Life Balance and New Workplace Challenges
Social Development Canada (formerly part of HRDC) has assembled a series of useful links here, including analysis of work and family provisions in collective agreements, research on work-life balance, and more
