Links - Women's Organizations & Agencies

Women's Organizations & Agencies

Governmental Organizations

Note re Canadian provincial government links here. Some provinces have both a government department and an arm's length advisory council that advises government. Other provinces have only one or the other.

Women in Local Government Project (Nova Scotia)

Alberta: women's issues

British Columbia: Ministry of Community Services

Manitoba Women's Directorate

New Brunswick Women's Issues
(Provincial Government)

Manitoba Women's Advisory Council

New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Newfoundland and Labrador Women's Policy Office

Prince Edward Island Advisory Council the Status of Women

Ontario Women's Directorate

Newfoundland and Labrador: Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Quebec: Secretariat a la condition feminine

Saskatchewan Status of Women Office

Status of Women Canada
Many publications available for free viewing and download at this site. Also information on commemorative dates such as December 6

Quebec: Conseil du Statut de la femme

Yukon Women's Directorate

Northwest Territories Status of Women Council

Nunavut: Department of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth.
Note: Nunavut Status of Women Council does not have its own web site at this time, but falls under the mandate of CLEY.

United Nations WomenWatch site
The UN's internet gateway on the advancement and empowerment of women. Here you can find UN international conventions, documents, conferences, and other information on women's rights, including the Beijing Declaration And Platform for Action.


Women's organizations - non-governmental

Adsum House
The Maritimes' emergency shelter for homeless women and their children.

All Empowered Women.
A powerful rural Nova Scotia network community for all women to support and inspire one another.

Antigonish Women's Resource Centre
The Antigonish Women's Resource Centre is an independent, feminist, community-based organization. providing information, support services and programs for women of all ages and backgrounds in an environment that is sensitive to women's needs

Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal
Atlantis is published twice a year by the Institute for the Study of Women, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Association for Women's Rights in Development, an international organization, currently based in Toronto, with concerns for women's equality in sustainable development around the world.

Barry House
Barry House provides emergency shelter and supports for homeless women and children while they work on establishing more stable housing. Barry House supports women in recovery and utilizes a healthy living model by not permitting the use of alcohol or drugs when people are staying at the facility. Since opening we have provided shelter to hundreds of women and children.

CARAL - Canadian Abortion Rights Action League
CARAL is Canada's only national pro-choice organization working full-time through public education and political action to keep abortion legal and accessible to all women. Our concern is women's rights, specifically abortion rights and reproductive freedom.

Canadian Women's Foundation
As Canada's first and only national public foundation for women and girls, CWF has earned a reputation as an organization that is accessible to grass-roots women's groups. CWF was founded to support results-oriented solutions to the problems faced by women and girls.

Canadian Women's Movement Archives
The CWMA has collected the records of the contemporary Canadian women's movement. The materials are housed at the University of Ottawa Library.

Chebucto Community Net: Community Organizations Page
While not limited to women's organizations, the Chebucto Community Net has links to a number of community organizations serving women's needs and interests.
A Canadian site, with information about Canadian women's accomplishments, important events in Canadian women'

Equal Voice
Equal Voice, an action group for the election of women in Canada, supports women in politics and women candidates and is dedicated to increasing the number of women elected to all levels of political office in Canada. ALSO SEE THE " WOMEN IN POLITICS" PAGEON THE NSACSW SITE

FAFIA (Canadian Feminist Alliance For International Action) is an alliance of over 40 Canadian women's equality-seeking non-governmental organizations formed in February 1999 at a national consultation of women's organizations held in Ottawa. FAFIA is currently.

The Women's Place Resource Centre in Bridgetown, NS
The Women's Place Resource Center is governed by The Western Area Women's Coalition. The services include: Individual friendly listening; Crisis intervention; Information and referrals; Advocacy & accompaniment; Research on women's issues; Programs and events.