Links - Policy and Research

Policy and Research

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is a national economic and social policy think tank. It is independent, non partisan and has charitable status. The CCPA was established in 1980 by academic and labour economists who saw the need for an independent left-of-centre research agency to counterbalance the right-wing Fraser and C.D. Howe Institutes. Since then the Centre staff and research associates have produced hundreds of reports, studies and books on major social and economic issues.

Canadian Council on Social Development
A national, self-supporting, non-profit organization, the CCSD's main product is information and its main activity is research, focusing onconcerns such as income security, employment, poverty, child welfare, pensions and government social policies.

Canadian Policy Research Networks
CPRN's mission is to create knowledge and lead public debate on social and economic issues important to the well-being of Canadians. Its goal is to help make Canada a more just, prosperous and caring society. CPRN is independent. It is a non-profit organization with charitable status. It acquires its funding from diverse sources -- federal and provincial governments, foundations and corporations. This diversity ensures that no single voice dominates the research.

Canadian Human Rights CommissionWomen's History time line
An overview of significant events in the history of women's rights in Canada

CRIAW - Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
The Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women is a national non-governmental organization founded in 1976 as a response to International Women's Year. CRIAW is committed to advancing the position of women in society, to encouraging research about the reality of women's lives and to affirming the diversity of women's experience.

Canadian Social Research Links
This very comprehensive site is the work of Gilles Seguin,a Federal civil servant whose professional specialization is in welfare and social assistance programs. This site is Seguin's personal one, but based on years of experience in the field of social policy. Huge numbers of links to social policy and research sites.

Government of Canada: About Government
This page provides links to alphabetical listing of all Federal government departments and agencies, and to information on how government works, most frequently requested Federal Acts online, and current key initiatives of government.

Government of Canada: Policy Research Initiative
The Policy Research Initiative (PRI) seeks to strengthen the policy research capacity in Canada. This site provides a service to the wide range of people interested and involved in public policy research and development. You can learn about the PRI and its activities and access the organizations and information that make up the world of policy research. See the Links page on the site for access to over 800 research organizations. There is also a policy research e-mail list you can join.

GPI Atlantic
The Genuine Progress Index is a new way of measuring progress, that includes more than economic growth statistics alone. GPI Atlantic works on measuring the value to Nova Scotia's economy of unpaid work such as household work, volunteer work, etc.

National Council of Welfare
The National Council of Welfare is a citizens' advisory body to the Minister of Human Resources Development Canada on matters of concern to low-income Canadians. At this site, you will find a wealth of statistics on poverty in Canada, including NCW's latest estimates on Canadian poverty lines.

PAR-L (Policy Action Research)
Look here to subscribe to the PAR-L discussion list, for Canadian and international news about women's issues, organizations, and government policies relating to women. Links to other policy and research sites are found here also.

Statistics Canada
Canadian statistics of all kinds. From this site, you can subscribe (free) to "The Daily" - Statistics Canada's daily information bulletin about all its current releases. There are also research reports, background papers, and Census information. (Many of the publications are free of charge. Pricing information is posted for any that are not.)

Status of Women Canada Policy Research
This section of Status of Women's Canada's web site has many policy and research papers on a wide variety of women's issues available for free download.

The 2000 United Nations State of the World's Population Report: Lives Together, Worlds Apart- Men and Women in a Time of Change
Inequality between women and men limits the potential of individuals, families, communities and nations. Ending gender discrimination is an urgent human rights and development priority, says The State of World Population 2000 report from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Many statistics on women's lives around the world are contained in this report -- violence, health, reproductive rights and more.

Vanier Institute of the Family
Established in 1965, the Vanier Institute of the Family advocates on behalf of Canada's 7.8 million families from the point of view that families are the key building block of society and that every Canadian is included in their context. At this web site, you will find statistics, publications (some are free online), and essays on issues facing Canadian families in the '90s and beyond.

Web Networks is a unionized non-profit organization that links more than 3000 non-profits, agencies, activists and citizens dedicated to social change.
