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Jane Orrell, Executive Director of the EmployAbility Partnership in Cape Breton, addresses the Roundtable on Women with Disabilities held in Sydney in November 2006.
FROM LEFT: Chyloe Gallant, manufacturing engineering technician student; Megan O'Keefe, carpentry student, Sarah Parsons, architectural engineering technology student; Sasha Conrad, mechanical engineering technology student; Brigitte Neumann, Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women; Joan McArthur-Blair, president, Nova Scotia Community College; Whitney Josey, Techsploration graduate and NSCC carpentry student.
FROM LEFT: Carolyn Hatcher, Rotary Club of Dartmouth presents a $1,000 scholarship for a female student in trades and technology to Joan McArthur-Blair, president, NSCC, and Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, the Minister responsible for the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women.
Premier Rodney MacDonald attended a luncheon for businesswomen in April 2006. He answered their questions on diverse issues, and here he chats with (from right to left) Dr. Ruth Goldbloom, Peggy Issenman, graphic designer and Brenda Saunders/Todd, Halifax Women's Network.
Patricia LeBlanc, Advisory Council member, makes a point at the Roundtable  on Women with Disabilities held in Sydney in November 2006.
Irene Smith (left), executive director of Avalon Sexual Assault Centre, receives a cheque from Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, Minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women Act, to study how and where specialized sexual assault services are needed across Nova Scotia. The province has specialized services in some communities, but not all.
Mi'kmaq legal consultant and activist Viola Robinson told an audience at Saint Mary's University about First Nations women's continuing work for equality. During this third Agnes Dennis Lecture, she reminded us of some of the aboriginal women in Atlantic Canada who are leading change.  Catherine Martin's songs and chants readied the group to learn and to appreciate this event. Photo credit: Catherine Martin