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Major Employment-generating Projects in the IT Sector

This tax measure is designed to consolidate the development of information technologies (IT) and encourage the creation and expansion of companies. Eligible corporations can obtain a tax credit until December 31, 2016.




Eligible Corporations

Your corporation may be eligible if it has an establishment in Québec and operates a business whose activities, carried out under an eligible contract, are part of the information technologies sector.


In addition, your corporation must show that it is reasonable to consider that by carrying out the eligible contract, 150 jobs will be created within the 24 months following either December 31, 2008 or the date the activities covered by the contract begin to be carried out, whichever comes first, and that these jobs will be maintained.


Eligible Contract

A contract obtained by an eligible corporation to carry out the following activities:

  • development and supply of products and services relating to e-business;
  • operation of e-business solutions;
  • operation of a customer contact centre.

The contract must be concluded between December 31, 2004 and January 1, 2008.


Eligible Employees

To be eligible, the employee must hold a full-time job and devote 75% of his time to undertaking, supervising or directly supporting activities carried out in the course of an eligible contract (except for administrative tasks).


Eligible Wages

The eligible wage corresponds tothe employment income generally calculated pursuant to the Québec Income Tax Act. It is the wage paid to an employee, up to an annual limit of $60 000.


Specific Requirements

To be entitled to the tax credit, your corporation must obtain an eligibility certificate from Investissement Québec. It must also abtain an annual eligibility certificate regarding its employees.




The corporation may claim the tax credit regarding eligible salaries it paid to its eligible employees after December 31, 2004 and before January 1, 2017.


Deadline for certification applications

For any eligible contract, the corporation must file its application no later than March 31, 2008.




Nature of Assistance

Refundable tax credit equal to 25% of eligible wages paid by the corporation to eligible employees (maximum of 2 000 annually) who work at carrying out an eligible contract.


Professional Fees

Professional fees are charged for the analysis of all eligibility applications. For more information, contact an Investissement Québec advisor, or see the rates certificate schedule on our Web site.





Step 1

Contact an Investissement Québec advisor who will answer your questions and tell you where to get a copy of the application form for an eligibility certificate.


Step 2

Complete the form and send it to Investissement Québec. If your corporation and the contract are eligible, you will receive an eligibility attestation.


Step 3

At your financial year-end, submit your applications for an annual eligility certificate regarding your eligible employees.


You can also take advantage of our Interim Financing of Tax Credits program.


January 2008

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    Detailed fact sheet

Pdf Major Employment-generating Projects in the IT Sector*
(100 KB - 8 pages)

Excel Application for an Eligibility Certificate - Company and Contract
(166 KB - 3 pages)
Excel Annual Application for an Eligibility Certificate - Employees
(922 KB - 6 pages)

* Acrobat Reader required

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