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Personal Optional Protection

Personal Optional Protection (POP) is optional workplace disability insurance for individuals not automatically covered under the Workers Compensation Act. POP will cover your lost salary and medical expenses if you are injured on the job or if you contract a disease as a result of your work.

Your POP coverage may be your only source of income if you are unable to work due to a work-related injury or disease. Be sure you apply for enough POP to cover your gross monthly earnings.

Your benefits

If you have a claim, you will receive 90 percent of the amount remaining after we've made standard monthly deductions for provincial and federal income tax, the Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance.

If your claim lasts longer than 10 weeks, your deductions will be adjusted to more accurately reflect your individual circumstances. View the POP compensation table to see an approximation of benefits you would receive during the first 10 weeks of your claim.

For 2006, your monthly coverage must not be less than $1,500 nor more than $5,200. If you haven't entered an amount on your application, we will assign you the minimum monthly coverage of $1,500. If you're applying for more than $2,500 a month, you must provide proof of earnings. Without proof of earnings, we'll reduce your monthly coverage to $2,500 a month.

Cost of coverage

The cost of your insurance is based on:
  1. Your monthly coverage — the amount of insurance you've applied for
  2. Your net rate — the rate charged to your classification unit per $100 of coverage purchased, plus any applicable experience rating adjustment.


Monthly coverage x rate



For example, if your monthly coverage is $1,500 and your rate is $2.24, you will pay $33.60 per month for your coverage. Find your classification unit and rate.

You will receive an invoice for your coverage, which is payable within 20 days.

Effective date of coverage

Your coverage takes effect on the date WorkSafeBC receives your correctly completed and signed application, or on a future date specified by you. Coverage remains in effect and premiums must continue to be paid whether or not you are working, until you or WorkSafeBC cancels it.

Who can purchase POP coverage?

How do I apply?

Can I still purchase coverage if I'm exempt from registration?

For more information

Go to the Registration FAQs or contact the Employer Service Centre.