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Your obligations as an employer

As an employer, you have certain obligations, such as registering for insurance coverage with WorkSafeBC, keeping your account up to date and complying with the Workers Compensation Act and WorkSafeBC Regulation.

You're also responsible for:

Paying your premiums

WorkSafeBC is an employer-funded system that provides benefits to B.C.'s employers and workers. Consequently, you have an obligation to pay your fair share of the cost of maintaining the system. Paying your premiums has never been easier — simply set up an online account.

Reporting your payroll

Once a year, all employers are required to submit an Employer Payroll and Contract Labour Report to WorkSafeBC. Employers with quarterly accounts are required to report payroll five times per year. This allows WorkSafeBC to assign your assessable payroll to the appropriate classification unit and ensures that you and other employers pay their fair share of the system. You can submit your payroll online.

Notifying WorkSafeBC of changes to your operations

Changing your business operations may result in a new classification or change to your rate. If you take on a new project, change your business, or close your business, contact WorkSafeBC immediately.

Providing a safe workplace

Under the Workers Compensation Act, employers are required to protect the health and safety of their workers and comply with WorkSafeBC Regulation. Find out more by going to our Safety at Work web site.

Reporting injuries and diseases

Employers are required by the Workers Compensation Act to report any illness, disease, or death occurring at their workplace within three days of the incident. Report incidents and injuries online.

Investigating accidents

All accidents and incidents need to be investigated. Be sure to complete an investigation report (PDF 152kb) and return it to WorkSafeBC.