Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-218
November 7, 2006

Legislature To Convene November 23

WHITEHORSE - The first session of the 32nd Yukon Legislative Assembly will open Thursday, November 23, Government House Leader Brad Cathers announced today.

“I am pleased that the House leaders have unanimously agreed to the dates and duration of the fall sitting,” Cathers said. “The duration of this legislative sitting will be 12 days and I am confident that elected members will be working hard to complete the business that is necessary to serve Yukoners well.”

Commissioner Geraldine Van Bibber will read the Speech from the Throne. The fall sitting will conclude December 13.


 Albert Petersen  Rod Jacob
 Cabinet Communications  Communications, Executive Council Office
 (867) 633-7961  (867) 667-5339