Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-221
November 14, 2006

Drinking Water Lab Receives National Accreditation

WHITEHORSE - Health and Social Services Minister Brad Cathers announced today that the Yukon Environmental Health Services Water Laboratory is now officially accredited for bacteriological analysis of drinking water.

"We are very proud of the Environmental Health Services Water Laboratory," Cathers said. "This accreditation validates the level of professionalism and the quality of the work the staff have been doing all along."

The accreditation, by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories, is achieved when a laboratory conducts regular audits and meets specific requirements, including the development of a quality management system and routine participation in a proficiency testing program.

The Certificate of Accreditation from the national certification body is valid until 2009. It states that the lab has met the requirements of ISO (International Standards Organization) 17025:2005  -  General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories for specific biological testing for total coliforms and E. coli in drinking water.

"While the accreditation may not change the lab's day-to-day operations," added Cathers, "it does assure Yukoners that the Yukon Environmental Health Services Water Laboratory is meeting the highest professional standards in the country." 


 Albert Petersen  Pat Living 
 Cabinet Communications  Health and Social Services
 (867) 633-7961  (867) 667-3673