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Searching the Website


Query Language:

Query Language

The search engine allows queries to be formed by searches for ANY words specified, ALL words specified, or by using BOOLEAN keywords. Select this option using the Method select box. The BOOLEAN method allows you to search using phrases, from arbitrary Boolean expressions containing the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, and grouped with parentheses. For example:

Method:ANY Search:Alberta advantage
finds documents containing 'Alberta' or 'advantage'

Method:BOOLEAN Search:Alberta or advantage
same as above

Method:BOOLEAN Search:Alberta and advantage
finds documents containing both 'Alberta' and 'advantage'

Method:ALL Search:Alberta advantage
same as above

Method:BOOLEAN Alberta not advantage
finds documents containing 'Alberta' but not 'advantage'

Method:BOOLEAN (Alberta not advantage) and government
finds documents containing 'government', plus 'Alberta' but not 'advantage'

Updated: March 2007
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