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Staff Directory

Due to recent government re-organization, the business areas of the former department of Alberta Economic Development have moved to the following new ministries:

This Staff Directory lists all employees from the former department of Alberta Economic Development now reporting to the ministries as noted above. Clients may still contact these business areas based on the search results provided. Search results will provide basic contact information for each staff member including: name, title, ministry, telephone and email address.

Search by employee name:

Last Name:  
First Name:  

How our search engine works:

  1. Search by first and/or last name of staff member. If you are unsure of the correct spelling, simply put in the first letter or letters of either the first or last name and use the "contains" button. This will provide you with a list of staff member(s) whose name(s) match that search.
  2. Search the Staff Directory by department Divisions or Branches within Divisions. The names of the Divisions and Branches appear in the drop-down boxes. Full listings will appear for you to scan for a specific individual.
  3. If you are searching for a staff member with expertise in a particular industry sector, geographic area or job function, please use Ask the Expert.

Government of Alberta Staff Directory

To search staff employed in other provincial government departments, please use the Government of Alberta Employee Listings.

Reviewed: January 2007
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