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Government by Design
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Notes to the HTML Edition
A Message from the Minister of Finance

Fiscal Plan
Building on Solid Ground
Marking the Way
Debt Management Plan

Departmental Plans:
Agriculture and Marketing
Business and Consumer Services
Community Services
Economic Renewal Agency
Education and Culture
Housing and Municipal Affairs
Human Resources
Natural Resources
Priorities and Planning Secretariat
Technology and Science Secretariat
Transportation and Public Works

Government by Design
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A Message from the Minister of Finance

For the third consecutive year, the government of Nova Scotia is proud to publish Government By Design. This publication was born of the desire to provide Nova Scotians with a broader picture of the actions, plans, and goals of their provincial government. Government By Design marries the rather stark budget numbers with the policies, programs, and plans for people supported by the dollars found in the budget.

The 1996-97 fiscal year marks an important milestone in the public life of our province. For the first time in a quarter century, the government of Nova Scotia is bringing down a fully balanced budget. We have effectively ended the practice of borrowing from our children to pay for today's public programs and services.

We are back on solid ground, financially, and can truly start to build on that monumental achievement. We will enact a long-term program of fiscal reform to ensure that Nova Scotia doesn't relapse into the destructive cycle of deficit financing and building up more debt. We can vigorously pursue tax reductions that will improve the competitive position of our economy and translate into more jobs for Nova Scotians. And, we can enhance and secure for the future our vital public services.

Nova Scotia has come a long way in less than three years. Today, we can see a future with more promise than we have known for some time. Today, we are building on solid ground.

Honourable J. Bernard Boudreau
Minister of Finance

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Government by Design
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Fiscal Plan

($ millions)

Year 1

Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
4,131.2 Net Revenue (1) 4,158.8 4,241.5 4,178.1 4,181.2 4,206.7 4,233.0
Net Current
Account Expenditures (1)
3,200.8 3,259.5 3,202.5 3,168.5 3,229.3 3,268.6
42.0 Furlough/Restructuring Costs 42.9 66.3 38.6 30.3 2.5 --
260.2 Net Capital Account
Expenditures (2)
285.0 315.7 159.2 181.5 176.8 159.1
3,564.5 Net Program Expenditures (1) 3,528.7 3,641.5 3,400.3 3,380.3 3,408.6 3,427.7
911.6 Debt-Servicing Costs 943.2 898.1 896.9 923.8 923.4 936.0
109.8 Sinking Fund Earnings 129.8 117.1 121.9 130.5 134.4 143.4
801.8 Net Debt-Servicing Costs 813.4 781.0 775.0 793.3 789.0 792.6
(235.1) Budgetary Surplus/(Deficit) (183.3) (181.0) 2.8 7.6 9.1 12.7


(1) For purposes of comparability, 1994-95 and 1995-96 have been restated to include Canada Assistance Plan payments that were previously netted from gross expenditures.

(2) The 1995-96 net program expenditure forecast includes $38.2 million carry forward from 1994-95. This carry forward is not shown in the 1995-96 estimate.

April 25 1996
Department of Finance

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