Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-208
September 5, 2006

Yukon Government Climate Change Strategy Adopted

WHITEHORSE - The Yukon government has adopted a Climate Change Strategy to respond to climate change impacts in the territory. 
"The formal adoption of our Climate Change Strategy will enable the government to continue discussions with governments, organizations, agencies and individuals on developing a made-in-Yukon action plan in response to climate change," Premier and Environment Minister Dennis Fentie said.

The strategy's four goals call for enhancing public awareness, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, building environmental, social and economic systems to adapt to changes and take advantage of climate change opportunities, and establishing Yukon as a northern leader in climate change research and innovation.

The strategy document lists many of the potential climate change impacts that the territory could face in the coming years. They include changes in habitat, wildlife and bird populations, freshwater systems and land stability.

The report suggests that socio-economic impacts could affect hydro electric production, the tourism industry, forestry and agriculture, transportation infrastructure and human health.

"We are pleased to have worked on the Climate Change Strategy in partnership with the Department of Environment," Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Archie Lang said. "This strategy provides direction on the broad strategies that the Yukon government can pursue internally to address climate change in the Yukon."

The strategy will be used by Yukon government operations to build on existing programs, activities and experience, and will lead to a detailed action plan that will outline the specific actions and initiatives that the government will undertake to implement the strategy.

"The climate change strategy will be used as a starting point for broad public and internal consultations," Fentie said. "This will allow us to develop a climate change action plan that is relevant to Yukoners." 

The PDF copy of the strategy can be downloaded from Environment Yukon's website.

Printed copies are available at the Yukon government administration building on Second Avenue in Whitehorse, Environment Yukon's offices at 10 Burns Road and at the Energy Mines and Resources offices in the Elijah Smith Building on Main Street.


 Peter Carr   Dennis Senger
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-5237