Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-058
March 22, 2006

Yukon Government Announces Us Funding For 2006-07 Shakwak Projects

WHITEHORSE - The Government of Yukon is pleased to announce that its continued partnership with the United States government will result in several new construction projects under the Shakwak Agreement, for 2006-07.

Under this agreement, the United States approves funds that are used by Yukon contractors to rebuild the Haines and Alaska highways for the benefit of both American and Canadian citizens. The work performed under this agreement has meant many employment opportunities for Yukoners over the years, as well as significant contributions to the territory's transportation system.

"The 2006/07 year will bring approximately $35 million worth of construction projects to the region with the majority of the work occurring in the Destruction Bay and Beaver Creek area," Highways and Public Works Minister Glenn Hart said. "This work will be welcome news by travelers on this section of the Alaska Highway corridor.  Local residents, commercial vehicles, and tourists will greatly benefit from safer roads and reduced travel times."

The United States government has approved this 2006/2007 funding to complete the remaining grading work; to replace the remaining major bridges; and to commence pavement rehabilitation. More specifically, these projects will include:

     - Construction of a new bridge on the Donjek River;

     - Designing new bridges for the Slims River and Duke River;

     - Road reconstruction from Silver City, km 1692, to south of the Slims River Bridge, km 1702;

     - Bituminous Surface Treatment (BST) and vegetation control from Soldier's Summit, from km 1707 to km 1717; and

     - Pavement overlay for the Haines Road from Alaska/Yukon boundary, km 71.3 north to km 91.2.

"These projects are presently underway with the awarding of a two-year contract to CMF Construction. The company has already engaged a number of local contractors for major portions of the work on the Donjek Bridge," Hart said. "Our partnership with the governments of the United States and Canada has, and continues to be, one of mutual respect that creates many opportunities for the Yukon."


 Peter Carr  Darren Butt
 Cabinet Communications  Special Projects, Highways & Public Works
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-3591