Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-061
March 23, 2006

Yukon Museums To Receive Government Funding Increase

WHITEHORSE - Tourism and Culture Minister Elaine Taylor today has announced $200,000 in new funding for Yukon's museums for fiscal year 2006-07.

"The Yukon government recognizes the social and economic importance of preserving history and culture throughout Yukon," Taylor said. "We want to ensure the integrity and viability of strong, independent community museums and interpretive centres that are operated by local not-for-profits, volunteer boards, municipal governments or First Nation governments."

Taylor also announced the Department of Tourism and Culture will be working with the heritage community to create an advisory panel. The creation of a museums advisory group was discussed as part of the Museums Strategy development process.

"We will ask the advisory panel to develop the criteria for the museums Special Projects Assistance Program as one of their first priorities," Taylor added.

Yukon Historical and Museum Association (YHMA) president Julia Pike said, "On behalf of the YHMA board members who represent Yukon museums, we are thrilled at this announcement. It shows government’s commitment to working with Yukon's museums, interpretive, and First Nation cultural/heritage centres to preserve and protect our cultural legacy while at the same time, recognizing that these institutions are an integral draw as an economic factor for tourism throughout the territory."

The $200,000 in new funding will expand current project support for specialized exhibit and small capital projects that include assistance toward joint marketing initiatives, artifact inventory and cataloguing. In total, $1.5 million in government funding will be provided to Yukon’s museums, interpretive and First Nation cultural/heritage centres in 2006-07, subject to legislative approval. 

"We envision a museum community that is an empowered and active participant in the social, cultural and economic fabric of Yukon society," Taylor said, noting that the Yukon government is committed to continue working in partnership to protect Yukon's heritage and the preservation and enhancement of its culture.


 Peter Carr  Karen Keeley
 Cabinet Communications  Communications, Tourism and Culture
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-8304