Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-155
June 28, 2006

Commissioner Invites Everyone To Participate In Canada Day Activities

WHITEHORSE - Yukon Commissioner Geraldine Van Bibber sends a warm invitation to all Yukoners and visitors to participate in Canada Day Ceremonies this weekend.

"I am excited about joining in to celebrate Canada Day for the first time in my role as Commissioner," the Commissioner said.  "I hope everyone in the Yukon has a chance to relax and celebrate Canada Day with family and friends."

In Whitehorse, Commissioner Van Bibber will be joining a host of community groups and individuals to celebrate Canada and to recognize outstanding Yukoners.

The Commissioner will be participating in the Canadian citizenship ceremony, presenting the Commissioner's Award and Youth Awards, and helping with the cutting of the official Canada Day cake.

Commissioner Van Bibber will present the Commissioner's Award for Public Service to five people: Al Oster, Bob Williams, Bud McKay, Norma Kassi and Sue Stephens; the Bravery Award to Eloise "Lou" Drake; and the Youth Award to Marie Abbott of Whitehorse.

"Canada Day is about remembering our history and appreciating the many positive aspects of living in this country," the Commissioner said. "It's also an opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the community service and dedication of these outstanding Yukon citizens."

The Commissioner said she sends sincere thanks to the many people who put in hours of hard work to make Canada Day celebrations a great success year after year in the Yukon.  
Canada Day events in Whitehorse get underway at 9 a.m. Saturday in Rotary Peace Park with a pancake breakfast. Approximately 70 people will be receiving their Canadian citizenship at the Canada Day ceremonies in a ceremony starting at noon.

For more on the Commissioner’s role and upcoming events, please check the Commissioner’s web site at

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Attached: List of recipients of Commissioner's Awards for Public Service and Bravery 

Cathy Cheeseman or Lawna McLeod
Commissioner’s Office
(867) 667-5121 or

Commissioner's Awards for Public Service, Bravery, and Youth Award - Canada Day 2006

Commissioner's Awards - Public Service

Al Oster – In recognition of his contributions to the recording of the Yukon's history and culture.

Bob Williams - In recognition of his many contributions to the quality of the lives of others.

Bud McKay - In recognition of his many years of community service to the people of the Yukon.

Norma Kassi – In recognition of her contributions to preserving the environment and Porcupine Caribou Herd.

Sue Stephens – In recognition of her many contributions in helping youth in sports.

Commissioner's Award  - Bravery

Eloise (Lou) Drake – In recognition of her courage and selfless act in saving the life of another.

Commissioner's Youth Award

Marie Abbott  - In recognition of her work for children's rights internationally and her passion to help end child labour.