Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-159
June 30, 2006

Yukon Historic Resources Fund Supports Heritage Projects

WHITEHORSE - The Yukon Historic Resources Fund has allocated $26,000 to four heritage projects that promote the study, appreciation, interpretation, and preservation of Yukon’s historic resources, announced Tourism and Culture Minister Elaine Taylor.

“People in Yukon have created a valuable legacy,” Taylor said. “In order to preserve and protect this history, resources have been set aside to assist with safeguarding our stories, our culture and our tangible heritage so that those who follow can appreciate these important aspects of our past.”

Since 2004, there have been three rounds of grants under the program that have allocated a total of $50,767 to 14 heritage projects, ranging from Yukon Elders’ oral history to research on Yukon manufacturing to structural assessment of historic buildings.

The Yukon Historic Resources Fund supports the objectives of the Historic Resources Act by providing financial support for projects in archaeology, palaeontology, community museums and heritage/cultural centres, historic sites, native language preservation, historical research and place names.

Private citizens, businesses, not-for-profit groups, First Nations, and municipalities are eligible for funding, with preference given to Yukon-based applicants. The Yukon Heritage Resources Board reviews the applications based on established criteria and makes recommendations to the Minister of Tourism and Culture.

The next application deadline is Oct. 15. For further information or for application forms, contact the Heritage Resources Unit of the Department of Tourism and Culture at 667-3463 or visit the web site


Attached: List of recipients, 4th round intake.

 Peter Carr   Diane Nikitiuk
 Cabinet Communication Advisor  Communications Officer
 Cabinet Office  Tourism and Culture
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-3660

Historic Resources Fund – 4th Round Recipients – 2006

Approved projects:

1. Norman Alexander Easton was allocated $9,591 for Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Investigations of the Mirror Creek Valley.

2. MacBride Museum was allocated $6,755 for the relocation of Engine 51, an historic White Pass & Yukon Route steam locomotive. It will now be properly sheltered, which will allow further conservation work.

3. Jake Derksen was allocated $2,213 for creation of a web site detailing the experience of Yukon soldiers in the First World War, from enlistment to the battlefields.

4. Yukon Historical & Museums Association was allocated $7,500 toward a 2-day non academic symposium "Discovering Northern Gold - Yukon and Alaska Research Symposium".