Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-003
January 5, 2006

Energy Solutions Centre Transferred To Energy, Mines And Resources

WHITEHORSE - On January 1, the Energy Solutions Centre's storefront operation transferred from the Yukon Development Corporation to the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources.

This move was announced in February 2005 to address concerns identified in the Auditor General's report regarding the Energy Solutions Centre.

"The Yukon government is pleased to be able to continue the positive work being done by the Energy Solutions Centre, to deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy programs and services," Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Archie Lang said. "With the increase in energy costs we want to continue to help Yukoners reduce their energy consumption."

The Energy Solutions Centre is a storefront operation that provides Yukoners with information and access to energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.

"The Yukon government has made it a priority to support energy conservation initiatives and ensure that Yukon's energy resources are developed and managed in an economically and environmentally responsible manner," Lang said. "Energy, Mines and Resources is now working with the Energy Solutions Centre to review its programs and services and to ensure that we are offering programs that offer the best value for Yukoners."

The review will help streamline operations and ensure there is no duplication of programs offered by other government departments. Once operational, the centre will have an estimated budget of $1.2 million per year. Funds remaining in the Green Power and Energy Efficiency funds and an additional contribution of $400,000 from Yukon Development Corporation will offset this annual expense. The department will look at additional funding available through federal energy related programs.

The Energy Solutions Centre will continue to operate from 206A Lowe Street in Whitehorse.



Peter Carr    
Cabinet Communications  
(867) 667-8688 

Tara O’Donovan
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources
(867) 667-5809