Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-012
January 19, 2006

Yukon Principals Recognized For Excellence In Leadership

WHITEHORSE - Two Yukon school principals have been recognized for leadership excellence through nominations to the Canadian Association of Principals and the Learning Partnership's Outstanding Principals Award.

The Outstanding Principals Award celebrates the unique and crucial contributions that Canadian public school principals make to their community by ensuring quality education for students.

Thomas Jirousek, principal of the Ross River School, and Jim Tredger, principal of Jack Hulland Elementary School, were both nominated by the Association of Yukon School Administrators (AYSA) to Canada's Outstanding Principals Awards.

Thomas Jirousek was then selected by the Outstanding Principals Award final selection committee as one of 30 principals across Canada who will receive the award in 2006. As an award winner, Jirousek will travel to a unique leadership development forum in Toronto, Feb. 13-16.

"The nominations that both Thomas Jirousek and Jim Tredger received for this award are well deserved," Education Minister John Edzerza said. "Our school principals are very committed to their students and to education in Yukon. Both Mr. Jirousek and Mr. Tredger are very passionate and dedicated to their work as educators. I wish Mr. Jirousek all the best during his leadership forum in Toronto."

"I greatly appreciate the support of AYSA and my school community by putting my name forward for Canada's Outstanding Principal Award," Thomas Jirousek said. "I think there are a lot of things I will learn at the leadership development forum that will enhance my work in the Yukon."

More information on the Canada's Outstanding Principal Awards is available at


 Peter Carr  Clea Ainsworth
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications, Education
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 393-7102

Thomas Jirousek
Principal, Ross River School
(867) 969-2216