Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-077
April 3, 2006

Bill Tabled For The City Of Dawson Municipal Election

WHITEHORSE – Community Services Minister Glenn Hart tabled a Bill, entitled Dawson Municipal Election Act (2006), today in the Yukon Legislature.

When passed, this Act will enable the municipality of the City of Dawson to hold an election on or before June 15, 2006. The special, one-time Act is being used to enable the City of Dawson to hold a municipal election that will be considered valid until the next general election in 2009, as required by Section 52 of the Municipal Act which will remain unchanged.

“The Municipal Act was something of an obstacle, in that the language of it does not provide opportunities for elections to take place other than on specific dates,” Hart said. “The act I have tabled today will allow a Dawson City election to occur this spring without having to repeat it again in October.”

All other Yukon municipalities will hold general elections on October 19, 2006 as scheduled in the Municipal Act. The mayor and councillors elected for the City of Dawson this spring will remain until the October 2009 election.


Peter Carr
Cabinet Communications
(867) 667-8688

Doug Caldwell
Communications, Community Services 