Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-083
April 10, 2006

Fentie To Meet With Premiers And Finance Ministers This Week

WHITEHORSE – Premier Dennis Fentie is looking forward to positive discussions with other provincial and territorial premiers, and the federal and northern finance ministers this week.

Fentie will meet first with all provincial and territorial premiers April 11 in Montreal at the Council of the Federation.

“We will be discussing post secondary education/skills training and the fiscal imbalance,” Fentie said. “Premiers are getting together to continue efforts to address issues that matter to Canadians – issues that cross provincial and territorial boundaries and allow us to expand on our partnerships and cooperative approaches.”
After the Council of the Federation meeting, Fentie will travel to Ottawa for a meeting with his northern finance counterparts, Northwest Territories Premier Joe Handley, Nunavut Finance Minister David Simailak and federal Minister of Finance James Flaherty April 12. Discussions will focus on territorial formula financing and other issues.

“The territories share common interests with the new government’s stated priorities for economic development for the North,” Fentie added. “It’s very important that Minister Flaherty hears directly from us on our views on these common interest areas.”


For more information on the Council of the Federation and the meeting, visit: /

Peter Carr     
Cabinet Communications Advisor   
Cabinet Office     
(867) 667-8688

Bonnie King
A/Director, Communications, ECO
Cell (867) 334-3101
(867) 667-5270
Samantha Paterson
Communications Analyst
Executive Council Office
(867) 667-5341