Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-088
April 19, 2006

Yukon Tourism Brand Larger Than Life

WHITEHORSE - Yukon - Larger than Life! is the tagline for the new Yukon Tourism Brand, Tourism and Culture Minister Elaine Taylor announced today.

"After 10 months of research and consultations with Yukon stakeholders, external target markets, national and international travel trade and media, the final Yukon tourism brand is completed," Taylor said.

Yukon tourism brand Larger than Life consists of four elements: the logo, tagline, key images and brand execution. The new brand will articulate the personality of the Yukon in all marketing activities to outside audiences.

The Yukon Tourism Brand Strategy was led and supported by the Yukon Tourism Marketing Partnership's Senior Marketing Committee, an advisory group comprised of individuals with marketing expertise.

"In 2005, $200,000 was invested in the Yukon Tourism Brand Strategy. This year's budget will see $200,000 for the brand implementation, subject to legislative approval," Taylor said. "We will work with businesses and stakeholders who recognize that a clear, consistent and unified voice is needed to ensure the success of the brand in all future communication and marketing initiatives."

The Yukon government first announced the Yukon Tourism Brand Strategy in April 2005. The name Yukon, on its own, is a uniquely powerful branding tool because of the imagery and appeal it evokes.

"We are marketing the Yukon in a fiercely competitive world," Neil Hartling, Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon president, said. "The new brand is strategically important if we are to continue to successfully attract visitors. Extensive research has confirmed that the new logo and tagline will work well with all sectors of Yukon's tourism industry."

The Yukon government, through the Department of Tourism and Culture, will help businesses and other interested stakeholders incorporate the new Yukon Tourism Brand into their marketing initiatives.

"There are few places in the world like Yukon that offer incredible scenery, natural phenomena like the midnight sun and northern lights, and vast wide open spaces," Taylor said. "The Yukon is Larger than Life - from its geography, wildlife, history, First Nations heritage and people. The Yukon has the capacity to offer visitors tourism experiences that are larger than life."

A public launch was held last night at the Whitehorse Visitor Information Centre to present the final Yukon Tourism Brand to industry and the public. Barbara Chamberlin, who composed and is featured in the new song Larger than Life, performed at the launch.


 Peter Carr  Diane Nikitiuk
 Cabinet Communication  Communications, Tourism & Culture
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-3660