Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-097
April 27, 2006

Government And Yukon Teachers’ Assocation Ratify Agreement

WHITEHORSE - The Government of Yukon and the Yukon Teachers’ Association (YTA) have ratified the tentative agreement reached earlier this month in collective bargaining.

The three-year deal is effective July 1, 2006 and expires on June 30, 2009. Among its terms, the agreement calls for: 

- a blended general wage increase of three per cent in each year of the contract; 
- an additional one per cent increase to the pay grid for remedial tutors and education assistants effective July 1, 2006; 
- modifications to the teacher and aboriginal teacher salary grids in recognition of enhanced professional qualifications; and 
- increases in allowances for principals, vice principals and department heads effective July 1, 2008.

Other negotiated provisions deal with professional development, leave entitlements, working conditions and first aid certification.
"Both parties worked to come to an agreement in the best interests of teachers and the overall Yukon education system," minister responsible for the Public Service Commission, Elaine Taylor said. "We entered into discussions looking for a fair agreement and I am pleased with the outcome achieved in negotiations."

The parties will work to reduce the number of paraprofessionals working on temporary appointments and classes will generally not exceed agreed upon class size maximum.

"We are pleased that the number of our paraprofessionals working on recurring temporary appointments will be addressed this spring," YTA President Sandra Henderson said. "Some 60 per cent of our members in those positions have been employed on term contracts for a number of years."

The agreement covers approximately 700 teachers, education assistants, remedial tutors and native language instructors throughout the Yukon.



Jock Bryce                                                          Sandra Henderson
Acting/Director Staff Relations                             President
Government of Yukon                                         Yukon Teachers’ Association
(867) 667-5658                                                  (867) 668-6777 (ext. 1)