Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-120
May 25, 2006

Yukon High Performance Grants Announced

WHITEHORSE - High performance athletes, coaches and officials are being awarded $47,000 for 2006-07 under the Yukon High Performance Assistance Program, announced Glenn Hart, minister responsible for Sport and Recreation.

The Yukon High Performance Athlete Assistance Program provides grant assistance to selected Yukon athletes who have demonstrated skills and achievements beyond the territorial level at provincial, national and international events.

"This funding provides support to Yukon's developing high performance athletes, coaches and officials," Hart said.  "We have a number of conscientious, high level athletes who are pursuing demanding training programs and are very successful in meeting their competition goals.  We also have a number of high level coaches and officials who are striving to upgrade their skills and certifications."

This year the jury adjudicated 24 applications requesting over $66,000 in support.

A jury of members from the sport community and the Yukon government decided on the individual applications.  The levels of funding are Gold, Silver and Bronze.  These levels relate to an athlete's performance at a national or international level, a western Canadian level or a provincial level, respectively.  Performance and potential of the individual determines funding levels.

"The Yukon Lotteries Commission is a proud funding partner for our high performance athletes," Jim Kenyon, minister responsible for the Yukon Lotteries Commission, said. "This funding allows our athletes to focus on their training and improving their performance so that they can better compete against athletes of similar caliber in national and international competitions."

The Yukon High Performance Coach Assistance and High Performance Official Assistance programs help coaches and officials upgrade their training beyond a level that is available in the Yukon.

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Attachment:  Yukon High Performance Assistant Program Funding

 Peter Carr  Doug Caldwell
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Analyst
 (867) 667-8688  867-667-8065

Yukon High Performance Assistance Program Funding

Athletes receiving funding to assist with their training and competition in 2006-2007 under the Yukon High Performance Athlete Assistance Program are:

 Name  Sport   Level   


 Graham Nishikawa   Cross Country Skiing   Gold 


 Zach Bell   Cycling   Gold 


 MacKenzie Downing   Swimming   Gold 


 Alexandra Gabor   Swimming   Gold 


 Daniel Sessford   Cycling   Gold  


 Brent Langbakk   Orienteering   Gold 


 Brittany Greer   Cross Country Skiing    Gold


 Kevin Caron   Figure Skating   Silver 


 Bryn Knight   Cross Country Skiing    Silver


 Emily Nishikawa   Cross Country Skiing   Silver 


 Bronwyn Pasloski   Swimming    Silver


 Ray Sabo   Cross Country Skiing   Silver 


 Shane Carlos   Athletics   Silver 


 Justine Scheck   Orienteering   Silver 


 Andrew Craigen    Volleyball  Bronze 


 Melissa Laluk   Volleyball   Bronze 


 Total for athletes    

  $ 44,600

Coaches receiving funding to assist with upgrading in 2006-2007 under the Yukon High Performance Coach Assistance Program are:

 Tim Brady  Basketball               


Officials receiving funding to assist with upgrading in 2006-2007 under the Yukon High Performance Coach Assistance Program are:

 Richard Farnell  Judo  


 Lori Muir  Squash  


 Total for Officials    

 $ 1,600

Special International Competition Funding:  Any of the Elite Athletes receiving funding may also be eligible for an additional $1,000 or $500 if they represent Canada in their sport at a world championship or major international competition in 2006-07.