Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-121
May 29, 2006

Western Premiers Gather In Manitoba

WHITEHORSE - Premier Dennis Fentie is pleased to announce that Minister of Health and Social Services and government House Leader Brad Cathers will be attending the 2006 Western Premiers' Conference on his behalf.

The meeting of northern and western premiers is taking place May 29 to 30 in Gimli, Manitoba.

"We have worked successfully with the other western and northern jurisdictions on many issues, including health care, economic development, and sovereignty and security in the North," Fentie said. "This meeting will be an invaluable opportunity to continue to build on those relationships."

Cathers will join premiers from Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia for the meeting. Manitoba Premier Gary Doer will host and chair the conference.

Yukon is co-leading two agenda items, Adapting to Climate Change and using the 2007 Canada Winter Games and the 2010 Winter Olympics to promote sport and active living.

"We all agree that we can do more for the people of our respective regions by working together," Fentie added. "This is an important opportunity for collaboration between our western and northern jurisdictions."

The meeting will also serve as a preparation for the upcoming Council of the Federation meeting, which Premier Fentie will be attending.

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 Peter Carr  Samantha Paterson
 Cabinet Communications Advisor   Communications Analyst, ECO
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-5341