Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-026
February 2, 2006

Avalanche Safety And Recovery Training Now Available On-Line

WHITEHORSE - Through arrangements with the Canadian Avalanche Association, Yukon Emergency Measures Organization is now making avalanche awareness and recovery training available online via the Yukon government’s website.

As southern Yukon is now receiving some much needed snow, Yukoners will be taking to the hills for skiing, snowmobiling and other winter recreational activities. Yukon Emergency Measures Organization is encouraging outdoors-people to consider taking the free avalanche awareness and training program from the Canadian Avalanche Association (CAA), now available via the World Wide Web.

"This avalanche safety training can make the difference between life and death," Glenn Hart, minister responsible for Emergency Measures said. "We are proud to partner with the Canadian Avalanche Association in making this free training program available to Yukoners so they can learn how to avoid avalanches and take the appropriate steps if they or others are caught in an avalanche."

This web-based training course will help you learn the basic knowledge and skills for avalanche first response - what you and your companions should do during and immediately after an avalanche. The course will also introduce you to other aspects of avalanche safety, such as route-finding, snow stability, rescue equipment selection and trip preparation.

"We're thrilled with the reception this website has received since it was launched in September," Ian Tomm, project manager and CAA operations manager, said. "There's obviously a real hunger for this information. We've made it very informative, interactive and easy to access, which seems to have really struck a chord with backcountry users of all levels."

The Canadian Avalanche Association is Canada's national organization promoting avalanche safety and is dedicated to bringing the avalanche community together to develop knowledge and understanding of avalanches, facilitate communication, promote professionalism, and provide quality avalanche education.

Visit the Yukon government website at


 Peter Carr  Doug Caldwell
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications, Community Services
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-8065