Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour


Plumbing Inspection

How do I obtain a plumbing inspection?

Usually, the contractor will arrange for permits and inspections on your behalf. Separate permits and/or inspections are required for the following installations:

  • electrical services
  • plumbing
  • boiler or pressure vessel systems
  • propane systems

The Planning and Inspection Services Division of the Department of Community Services and Attorney general is responsible for permits and inspections. Contact an Electrical, Plumbing, Propane or Boiler Inspector of the Planning and Inspection Services Division of the Department of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour at 31 Gordon Drive, Charlottetown or at one of the Access PEI sites.



Access PEI Montague

Gotell, Gerry (Inspector, Plumbing, Boiler and Pressure Vessel) Province of PEI


Access PEI Summerside

Reid, Giles (Inspector, Plumbing, Boiler and Pressure Vessel) Province of PEI


J. Elmer Blanchard Building

Hynes, Ken (Chief Officer, Boiler and Pressure Vessel, Plumbing and Propane) Province of PEI

Gotell, Gerry (Inspector, Plumbing, Boiler and Pressure Vessel) Province of PEI

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