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Immigrant Connections Category

The Government of Prince Edward Island, through the Provincial Nominee Office, welcomes Canadian citizens and Permanent residents, who have established themselves in Prince Edward Island to tell us who their “Connections” are, who they would like Prince Edward Island to nominate.

Islanders understand that nothing replaces family, and we also realize through immigration there is a sense of dislocation and loss when the “family connections” are broken and the distance makes it difficult, to see family as often as one would like. We invite you to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Prince Edward Islanders understand that life is enriched when living in the presence of a close circle of family. In the good times, these are the people we socialize with and in the challenging times, these are the people we call on.

Islanders also understand that these close bonds are part of the reason Prince Edward Island is the best place in the world to live. Islanders are friendly people, and as immigrants come to stay in Prince Edward Island, they will be drawn into more than one of these circles, finding friends and groups of friends, who will provide a welcoming social environment and much-needed support.

We appreciate the fact that you have been making a valuable contribution to our community, and with more of your “connections” living here, you would continue to Live Work and Play in Prince Edward Island.
We invite you to nominate a close family member, to join you in living on PEI.

Immigrant “Connections” Category Provincial Nominees

There is qualifying criteria, for the “Champions”, the people who can make such a recommendation, as well as who can be nominated, but in principle, we are looking for people and families, who you believe can earn a living on Prince Edward Island, and who will make a long term, meaningful commitment to your life and to the broader community.

This is an honour-based program. Champions are not required to sign a formal agreement or provide a financial guarantee.

Champions simply commit to make the arrangement work, to the best of their ability. We believe that you will make it work, because it is your close family connections, that are reuniting, .

Family Connections Eligible family to nominate or sponsor includes:

  • Daughter or Son
  • Brother or Sister
  • Niece or Nephew
  • Aunt or Uncle
  • Grandchild
  • First cousin or
  • Step relative or in-law of the same level

Qualifying Criteria for Champions

“Champions” eligible to nominate “Connections” to Prince Edward Island require the following

  • Be a Canadian citizen or a Permanent Resident who has lived in Prince Edward Island for more than two years
  • Have a regular source of income sufficient for their needs and their dependents
  • Have a generally unblemished personal history.
  • Testimonials from other Prince Edward Island residents or evidence of volunteer work or community service are beneficial but not essential.

The Champion will make an informal, but written commitment, that they will take every possible action to ensure that the nominee is integrated into the Prince Edward Island community.

Qualifying Criteria for Nominees

The following criteria apply to the Connections Nominee:

  • Must prove they are among the eligible family members and can prove the relationship to the Champion
  • The individual must have an offer of employment or, in the view of the Province, have a clearly identified capacity to work in Prince Edward Island.
  • The intent to live on Prince Edward Island
  • The individual and dependent family is in good health.
  • The individual and dependent family does not have a criminal record.


  • Filling out the necessary forms and providing the necessary documents is up to the Champion and the applicant.
  • When complete, to the best ability of the Champion, a Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program Officer and the Champion will review the paperwork together for any missing information.
  • All decisions to nominate are the responsibility of the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Office; the decision made by the Nominee Office will be final.
  • After Prince Edward Island has nominated, the file is sent by the applicant to the appropriate Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) consulate.
  • CIC then reviews the files and the necessary medical and security checks are completed. Although unusual, it is possible for the nominee to be refused by the Embassy at this stage.
  • Although not always the case, it should be assumed that the immigrant will be required to go for an interview at the Canadian Embassy in the country of origin.
  • Should the nominee be living in Prince Edward Island after nomination, before Permanent Residency is granted, the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee office will write a letter of support for a work permit.

Application Fee

The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Immigrant Connection application fee is $250.00 Canadian dollars. This fee is made payable to Island Investment Development Inc. in the form of a certified cheque, money order or bank draft and must be submitted with the application.


The Champion is required to fill in the following application form: Immigrant Connections Champion Application Form (PEI-PNP-13)

Applicants are required to submit the following documentation for review by a Program Officer:

Provincial Forms

  1. Self-Assessment (PEI-PNP-01-IC)
  2. Pre- Assessment Application Form (PEI-PNP-02-IC)
  3. Release of Information for Evaluation Form (PEI-PNP-04)
  4. Information Release Form (PEI-PNP-05)
  5. Proof of Language Ability Form (PEI-PNP-06)
    (Complete this form if you are not using an interpreter at your interview)

Federal Forms

  1. Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM - 0008 - generic)
  2. Schedule 1 Background/Declaration (IMM-0008 Schedule 1) for the applicant, spouse and dependents over 18
    (Please note that this form must be completed by the principal applicant, spouse and all dependent children 18 years of age or older
  3. Additional Family Information Form (IMM - 5406) for the applicant, spouse and dependents over 18
    (Please note that this form must be completed by the principal applicant, spouse and all dependent children 18 years of age or older
  4. Schedule 4 Economic classes - Provincial Nominee (IMM - 0008 Schedule 4)
Immigrant Connections Criteria and Scoring
The purpose of the Immigrant Connections category, of the PEI Provincial Nominee Program, is to increase the number of immigrants who choose to relocate and decide to stay on PEI.

This is accomplished by building on the existing international linkages between Islanders, new Canadians and Permanent Residents.

Retention is a result of the linkages the in-migrant is able to build with his or her new home, whether the immigrant is able to find satisfying employment and a welcoming community.

These two things do not guarantee the in-migrant will be retained, but they are the critical first steps. They help to create a “soft landing” for the immigrant. The linkages work both ways: the links between newcomers and residents strengthens both parties, and increases the probability of retention.

Applicants to the Immigrant Connections category, may be nominated without a firm job offer, unlike applicants to the Skilled Worker category.

The Immigrant Connections applicants have the advantage of a supportive family or community which is already established, and will help with the settlement and integration process.

There is, therefore, a certain “leap-of-faith” required by all parties: by the immigrant, that life will be improved, and by the “Champion” and the Province, that the new immigrant will not be a social or economic burden.

Therefore, a scoring system has been developed for both the champion and the applicant, to help avoid nominations which do not result in a well-established, employed immigrant.

Both the champion and applicant will be assessed, as both are key participants in the success of the Nomination. Points will also be given to whether or not the parties have a supportive family or community.


The “Champion’s” commitment to the process and the extent to which, they are already established and are able to provide support to help the immigrant become settled and adapt to PEI living.

The scored items are;

  • Years in Prince Edward Island must be a minimum of two years whether the champion is Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident;
  • The extent to which the champion appears engaged in a career;
  • The extent to which the champion can help the applicant find employment;
  • The closeness of the relationship;
  • and the overall sense of commitment which the champion conveys.


The applicant will be evaluated on:

  • Employability based on education and training
  • Capacity for integration
  • Language skills
  • Work history
  • Age
  • Bona fide job offer or clear indication of pending work

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