Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Laboratory Services

Dairy Laboratory
The Provincial Dairy Laboratory provides Island dairy farmers with their milk test results. Clients registered with the lab can retrieve their current and historical lab test results on line.

Plant Disease Diagnostic Services
The Plant Disease Diagnostic Service provides farmers, agri-business, agricultural extension staff and the general public with a disease identification and control advisory service. Diagnoses are based on visual examination of symptoms, microscopic observation and explicit laboratory techniques. The objective of this program is to provide clients with a fundamental service, identifying the problem and providing information to control the problem if possible, and to prevent any reoccurrence. All sample results are followed up with a written disease diagnostic report.

Soil and Feed Laboratory
The Soil and Feed Testing Laboratory is a modern accredited facility providing the most up-to-date and accurate chemical analyses on soil, feed, plant tissue, and greenhouse media. It also provides specialized tests such as seed germination, manure and compost analyses. Access your test results, as well as information on interpreting the results.(click here)

Soil and Feed Lab Forms
Forms to go along with your sample to the lab are available to fill out on line and print, or to print and fill out by hand. Forms are available for feed, greenhouse and potting soil, plant tissue, seed germination, soil sample and special products analysis requests.


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