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Passport : There is a possibility that, as of June 2009, the First Nations could be...
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According to a study, many community businesses succeed in being prosperous.
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Article on Scierie Opitciwan
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  Welcome to the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission’s Web Site (FNQLEDC)!
  The FNQLEDC is a consultation body for the officers and representatives of the Native economic development organizations. Since its creation, the FNQLEDC has been representing the economic interests of the Native communities of Quebec and Labrador, that is over 60,000 members of the First Nations.
Active participation of the FNQLEDC in the First Nations Socioeconomic Forum

From October 25 to 27, the FNQLEDC was present and active at the First Nations Socioeconomic Forum, the first ever to be held. Our organization participated in the working session on economy and employment, and offered its services along with 50 exhibitors from various circles; from handicraft to government organizations.

Left picture: A discussion during one of the Forum’s working sessions
Right picture: Exhibitors under the canopy







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