Symbol of the government of Quebec

Aboriginal Contract Guarantee Instrument (ACGI)

Non-Governmental Organizations

Last Verified: 2006-11-09

The Aboriginal Contract Guarantee Instrument (ACGI) gives Aboriginal contractors the help they need to qualify for more business opportunities. The ACGI proves to the project owners that their contractors can guarantee satisfactory job completion.

Eligibility Criteria

Established First Nation, Métis and Inuit contractors who meet the program criteria (which includes a minimum of three years of business experience) can apply through their local aboriginal Financial Institutions.


What is Silu'?
Silu' Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association (NACCA).

What is the purpose of the Aboriginal Contract Guarantee Instrument?
The ACGI allows contractors to provide project owners financial guarantees that the contractor will perform the contract. The ACGI acts like a "guarantee" line of credit allowing contractors to give guarantees without tying up working capital or interfering with cash flow.

Where can a contractor obtain an application?
Contractors can obtain applications from an Aboriginal Financial Institution. A listing of these institutions can be obtained from the NACCA.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
National Aboriginal Capital Corporation Association (NACCA)
Suite 605
75 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 5E7
Telephone: 613-688-0894
Fax: 613-688-0895
Web site:

National Aboriginal Capital Corporation Association (NACCA)
Akwesasne Territory
P.O. Box 1394
Cornwall Island, Ontario  K6H 5R7
Telephone: 613-930-9433
Fax: 613-688-0895
Web site: