Québec Portal  >  Businesses  >  About this Portal

About this Portal

The purpose of the government Services for businesses portal is to provide general information about the programs and services offered to businesses by the Government of Québec and other agencies and to present government initiatives, where applicable.

The portal is updated regularly to meet the changing needs of its target clienteles. Feedback can be given in various ways with a view to the ongoing improvement of the ergonomics of the site and the quality of its transactions and information.

The Contact Us section enables you to send us your comments about the portal at any time.

Refer to Help section for information or tips that will help you during your visit.

The government Services for businesses portal is maintained by Services Québec.

Recommended browsers

This portal is designed to meet the established standards for Web development and accessibility. We recommend the use of a new generation browser that is compatible with these standards:

Note that the portal is accessible to all browsers although its presentation may vary. Certain functions may have to be deactivated on older browsers, which are not designed for technologies developed after the browsers were put in use.