Symbol of the government of Quebec

Technology Roadmaps

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2007-02-23

Technology Roadmaps (TRMs) assist industry sectors to identify, prioritize and develop the technologies and skills necessary for competing successfully in future markets.


The Technology Roadmap concept is a consultative process designed to help industry, its supply-chain, academic and research groups, and governments come together to jointly identify and prioritize the technologies needed to support strategic R&D, marketing and investment decisions. These technologies will be of critical importance to an industry in the next five to ten years.

In developing a TRM, companies within a sector come together in a joint commitment to identify the critical technologies as well as the skills required to properly utilize the technologies of the future. The TRM, there, is a means to achieve a joint decision on future research and development, future skills development, and to establish a commitment to work together to address these challenges.

Completed Technology Roadmaps

  • Aircraft Cabin Management Systems Integration
  • Aircraft Design Manufacturing and Repair & Overhaul
  • Aluminum
  • Bio-based Feedstocks, Fuels and Industrial Products
  • Canadian Biopharmaceutical Industry Technology Roadmap
  • Canadian Electrical Power
  • Canadian Fuel Cell Commercialization  
  • Canadian Metal Casting
  • Clean Coal
  • CO2 Capture and Geological Storage
  • Forest Operations
  • Functional Foods and Neutraceuticals
  • Future Fuels for the APEC Region
  • Intelligent Buildings
  • Language Industries
  • Lean Logistics
  • Low Cost Aerospace Composites Manufacturing, Processing and Repair
  • Lumber and Value-Added Wood Products
  • Marine and Ocean Industry
  • Medical Imaging
  • Technology Roadmap for Welding and Joining in Canada
  • Wood-Based Panel Products

Under Development

  • Canada's Biorefinery Roadmap: Forestry and Agriculture

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Mr. Geoffrey Nimmo
Industry Canada
Room 635D
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-954-3040
Fax: 613-954-3079