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 Parcs Québec
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 Sépaq Anticosti

Discovering the Park

A Landscape That Conjures Up Tranquility and Relaxation

Come visit this vast plain with its quasi-uniform relief characterized by an absence of hills and mountains. An alternation of dunes and peatlands contributes to the slightly rolling relief of the centre of Pointe-Taillon peninsula. A territory that is sure to please those of you who are curious by nature.

A Universe Teeming with Life

What an abundance of animal life! Telltale signs, such as dams, lodges and fallen trees point to the presence of beaver. The moose also makes its home in the park. During the migration period, thousands of Canada geese and snow geese make a stop at the park.

A Beach Known for its Fine Sand

Bask in the sun on the long beaches that run along one of the biggest lakes in Québec. Discover the territory's many ponds. Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon is bounded to the south by Lac Saint-Jean, a magnificent body of water 1,100 km² in size, and to the north by Rivière Péribonka, the biggest tributary of Lac Saint-Jean.

Véloroute des Bleuets

Cyclists adore the course of the famous Véloroute des Bleuets circuit, which runs through Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon. Birch and pine forests alternate all along the trail. The flat terrain and the refreshing breeze are your assurance of an enjoyable and relaxing outing. While you are at it, why not spend the night at one of the campgrounds set up along the path!

Nights Under the Stars

Seize the opportunity to spend the night under the stars in an authentic environment. Relax to the splashing water and to the muffled sounds of the undergrowth. A veritable wonder! Primitive campgrounds with direct access to the beach are located on the banks of Lac Saint-Jean and Rivière Péribonka.


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