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Honourable Shirley Bond
Former Minister of Health Services

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Archived Speeches Delivered by the Former Minister of Health Services


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March 19 was proclaimed ActNow! BC Day. The ActNow! BC program has the goal of making B.C. the healthiest jurisdiction ever to host an Olympic and Paralympic Games. Events were held throughout the province. In Prince George, Minister of Health Services Shirley Bond was joined by MLA Pat Bell, as well as families, local athletic teams, bicycle clubs, dancers and representatives of community and recreation centres. Here, five-year-old Alexis Magrath leads the way.

For more information see: [ActNow! BC] [News Release] [Backgrounder] [Factsheet]


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On March 14, Minister Bond announced $47 million in funding over three years to improve access to dental treatment for young children and low-income families. In this photo Minister Bond is joined by Minister of Human Resources Susan Brice as one young patient gets a dental checkup, with her mom closely observing.

For more information: [News Release] [Backgrounder]



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Minister Bond recently visited Canuck Place and met with staff and children at the hospice. Canuck Place opened in 1995 as North America's first free-standing children's hospice. To this day, it remains the model for children's hospices in North America.

For more information: [Canuck Place] [To see video of the Minister's visit]



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March 3 was a day to kick off healthy kid programs in British Columbia. In the morning, the Premier introduced the School Fruit and Vegetable Program which will provide B.C. grown fruits or vegetables to children at elementary schools around the province. In the afternoon at the 'Healthy Start, Healthy Kids' event, the Premier expanded B.C.'s early childhood screening program ensuring all young children have access to hearing, vision and dental checks. The Premier was joined by Minister of State for Early Childhood Education, Linda Reid, Minister Bond and Laurie Usher, the Audiology Clinical Coordinator at Children's and Women's Health Centre.

For more information see: [Healthy Eating Press Release] [Childhood Screening Press Release] [Childhood Screening Backgrounder]



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BC Women's Hospital is Canada's busiest obstetrical centre, delivering more than 7,000 babies each year. The Baby Tile Wall celebrates these births. Funding from the sale of tiles go towards ongoing care and research at BC Women's Hospital and that will ensure many more B.C. babies can be born healthy. Minister Bond, Women's Hospital President Liz Whynot and Children's Hospital President Sharon Tuilley, pose in front of the Baby Tile Wall.

For more information see: [BC Women's Hospital] [Baby Tile Wall]



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Health Services Minister Shirley Bond gets behind the wheel of an ambulance during an event marking the province-wide expansion of the BC Ambulance Service on February 25, 2005. To improve response times, paramedics in communities across B.C. will now be on site 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Province has also increased the number of paramedics by 15 per cent and added additional ambulances to its fleet.

For more information see: [News Release] [Backgrounder] [BC Ambulance Service]



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  Minister Bond was in Prince George for the event. Pictured are Front Row: Colin Kinsley Mayor, City of Prince George; David Morhart Chief Executive Officer, BC Ambulance Service; Minister of Health Services Shirley Bond; Back Row: Wayne Standen, Paramedic Chief 531 Dale Kronebusch, Prince George Deputy Fire Chief; Marshall Moleschi, Health Services Administrator/Regional Director Pharmacy, Northern Health; Mike Michalko, District Superintendent, Northern Interior; Bruce Chambers, Regional Director, Northern Regions; Reg Mostrom, Prince George Deputy Fire Chief.


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  On January 14, 2005, Minister Bond and Minister of Education Tom Christensen enjoyed a healthy break at the first-ever province-wide forum to promote health in B.C. Schools. Government has committed to increasing the proportion of people who are more active and eating more nutritiously by 20 per cent before the Olympics in 2010.


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On January 20, 2005, Minister Bond visited Christmas Manor in Burquitlam to visit with residents and staff. Pictured left to right are Burquitlam MLA Harry Bloy, Mary (resident of Christmas Manor), and Minister Bond.



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On January 12, Premier Gordon Campbell, Health Services Minister Shirley Bond, Finance Minister Colin Hansen and Advanced Education Minister Ida Chong all participated in a videoconference to announce $27.6 million in funding to expand and upgrade academic space in teaching hospitals to support the growing number of undergraduate and postgraduate medical students in B.C. Here, Minster Bond speaks to students from Victoria via videoconference from UNBC in Prince George. Minister Hansen can also be seen at UBC.

For more information see: [News Release] [Backgrounder] [Factsheet]



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On January 7, Minister Bond was joined by Dr. John Gilbert, Principal of UBC's College of Health Disciplines, Krista Sigurdson, student participant in the Interprofessional Rural Program (IRPbc), and Tawny Hung, President of the Health Sciences Students' Association. Following speeches by Minister Bond, Dr. Gilbert and Krista Sigurdson, the HSSA students presented a short skit demonstrating the importance of interprofessional practice in health care.

For more information see: [News Release]



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Deputy Premier Shirley Bond, minister of state for immigration and multicultural services Patrick Wong and Vancouver-Burrard MLA Lorne Mayencourt, as well as local and international representatives observe a moment of silence during a candlelight vigil honouring and remembering those affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Southeast Asia.

For more information on B.C.'s tsunami disaster response, including what you can do to help, visit our tsunami disaster response page.



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On December 10, Health Services Minister Shirley Bond and Advanced Education Minister Ida Chong attended the official opening of the Medical Sciences Building at the University of Victoria. The Medical Sciences Building will eventually accommodate 96 students in the Island medical program.The first 24 students will begin their studies in the Medical Sciences Building in January.

For more information see: [News Release] [Backgrounder] [Island Medical Program]



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On December 8th, Minister Hansen and other dignitaries participated in the groundbreaking event for Abbotsford's long-awaited hospital. The building of the Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre, fulfills a promise dating back to 1987 to provide up-to-date hospital facilities to the region's growing population. Celebrating along with Abbotsford residents are (L-R): Hon. John van Dongen, MLA Randy Hawes, Hon. Colin Hansen, Mary Reeves, Mayor, City of Abbotsford, Abe Neufeld, Chair, Fraser Valley Regional Hospital District and Mayor, District of Mission, Hon. John Les, Hon. Mike de Jong, Paul Dunstan, Managing Director, Access Health Abbotsford, Dr. Simon Sutcliffe, President, BC Cancer Agency, George Peary, Councillor, City of Abbotsford

For more information see: [Abbotsford Care and Cancer Centre] [News Release] [Backgrounder]



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  On Nov. 4, Minister Hansen attended a ceremony held by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research. Thirty-two people received the 2004 Career Investigator Awards and nine research units were funded through the 2004 Research Unit Infrastructure Program. Aubrey Tingle, foundation president and CEO, presented the minister with a framed copy of two graphs depicting Medical Research Council (MRC) funding in B.C. and Alberta since 1991. Tingle noted that in 1999/2000, B.C. funding wasn't comparable to Alberta but over the past three years B.C.'s share of MRC funding has grown to rival Alberta's. [News Release] [Michael Smith Foundation]


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Minister Hansen speaks to 'Walk of Hope' participants as Greg Phelps and Carol Martin look on. Carol actively campaigns on behalf of the National Ovarian Cancer Association in memory of her close friend, Judy Lidgate, who passed away from the disease last year. "Not a day goes by without my thinking about her. Before she was diagnosed with advance ovarian cancer, Judy and I knew nothing at all about the signs and symptoms of this disease. Had she been aware of these symptoms, of which she had seven, she would have been diagnosed earlier and may have survived".


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On September 12, Minister Hansen participated in the Walk of Hope in Courtenay, in support of the National Ovarian Cancer Association (NOCA). NOCA provides leadership by supporting women living with this disease and their families; raising awareness with the public and health care professionals; and funding research to develop early detection techniques and improved treatment. Pictured left to right are Bill Matthews, Campbell River City Councillor; Starr Winchester, Mayor of Courtenay; Minister Hansen; Jim Brass, Mayor of Comox; Greg Phelps, MC and Courtenay City Councillor; Fred Bates, Mayor of Cumberland and Ahmed Nooral - Courtenay City Councillor.

For More Information see: National Ovarian Cancer Association



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  On June 29th, Minister Hansen attended the opening of Phase I of the Delta View Life Enrichment Centre, a $30-million private redevelopment of the Ladner Private Hospital site to provide care for 210 residents and a range of other health care services. With the Minister are : Glen Grant, board of directors for Fraser Health, Betty Ann Busse, Chief Operating Officer Fraser Health and Jane Devji, owner of the Delta View Life Enrichment Centre.

For more information see: [News Release]



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  On June 29, Minister Hansen attended the Annual General Meeting of the Victorian Order of Nurses, British Columbia. VON BC has been working to build healthy British Columbian communities since 1898, with some of the most progressive health care initiatives in the province.


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  On June 15th, Minister Hansen participated in a 'watch and learn' lab session with British Columbia's first class of nurse practitioners at the UBC School of Nursing. Pictured left to right are Monica Gregory, Connie Lapadat, Carol Galtes, Minister Hansen, Leah Hunter, Janet Baillies and Karol Ghuman. Nurse Practitioners are registered nurses with advanced education, knowledge and decision making skills in assessment, diagnosis and health care management of patients and clients. These nurse practitioners, along with fellow graduates from UVic, will graduate in May 2005.

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On June 15th, Minister Hansen introduced the 2004/05 nursing strategies to the nursing community, and joined UBC in celebrating their 85th anniversary as the oldest degree-granting nursing school in the British Empire. This was the first time that students representing each of British Columbia's three nursing professions were invited to share their enthusiasm and career goals with members of BC's nursing community. Pictured left to right are Linda Carmichael, Licensed Practical Nursing Student from Vancouver Community College; Minister Hansen; Peterson Masigan, recent registered nursing graduate from UBC School of Nursing; and Nicole Bennet, registered psychiatric nursing student from Douglas College.

For more information see: [News Release]



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  On June 10th, Minister Hansen attended the official opening of the new inpatient rehabilitation unit at Victoria General Hospital. The Province has invested $1.26 million for this unit to ensure better care is available to patients recovering from strokes or brain injuries. With the Minister are Esquimalt-Metchosin MLA Arnie Hamilton and Victoria Mayor Alan Lowe. [News Release]


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  To celebrate Seniors Week, Minister Hansen participated in the groundbreaking for The Gardens at Qualicum Beach - future home to more than 200 seniors. The Profile of Seniors in British Columbia was published the same day. Pictured from left to right are MLA Gillian Trumper, Minister of State for Women's and Seniors' Services Ida Chong, Don Ho (CPAC), Garry Malhaichuck (Mancal), Minister Hansen, Teunis Westbroek (Mayor of Qualicum Beach). [News Release] A Profile of Seniors in British Columbia


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On June 2, Minister Hansen celebrated the launch of the BC HealthGuide French Handbook along with MLA Richard Stewart and students from Éducacentre, British-Columbia's French language adult education and training service. The French Handbook will improve the delivery of primary health services in Francophone communities by providing information and guidance on prevention, home treatment, emergencies and healthy lifestyles.

For more information see: [News Release], BC HealthGuide



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On May 14th, Minister Hansen joined nurses and staff from BC NurseLine to celebrate Nursing Week and take a tour of the call centre. BC NurseLine is a 24-hour, toll-free health information resource. It has received more than half a million calls since its launch in April 2001. Throughout the province, call BC NurseLine toll-free at 1 866 215-4700, or call 604 215-4700 in the Lower Mainland. For deaf or hearing impaired services, call toll-free in BC 1-866-889-4700. Translation services in over 130 languages are also available upon request.

For more information see: BC NurseLine, [News Release], Backgrounder and the Minister's Speech.


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Minister Hansen met with NurseLine client Elizabeth Wakefield and her son James. With a small child in the house, Elizabeth has been a frequent user of the NurseLine service. She has received information and advice on questions questions ranging from a high fever/tooth cutting; to a prickly rash; to whether tofu is healthy for a baby under one year old. Elizabeth's experience using nurseline has inspired her to explore a career in nursing.



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On May 10, Minister Hansen celebrated Move for Health Day by joining Vancouver-Kensington MLA Patrick Wong, Mrs. Chan Wong Kwok Ying, and Mr. Andrew Wong, for an early-morning Tai Chi session at Queen's Park. The World Health Organization (WHO) launched Move for Health Day in 2002 to promote good health through physical activity.

For more information see: [News Release] and the Report on the Cost of Inactivity. (PDF) Adobe Acrobat Required 836KB



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On April 7, Minister Hansen attended the announcement of 378 new new non-profit and private assisted living units allocated under the Independent Living BC (ILBC) program. These new apartments will give seniors better access to affordable housing and personal care services in six Lower Mainland cities.

For more information see :Independent Living BC Home Page



Health Services Minister Colin Hansen released the Northern Medical Program report with Prince George Mayor Colin Kinsley at the University of Northern B.C. The provincial government is investing $2.2 million in response to recommendations promoting the success of the Northern Medical Program and making Prince George a centre of excellence in rural and remote health care.

For more information see: [News Release] and the Report on building for the future of health care in Northern B.C. (PDF) Adobe Acrobat Required 286KB


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Health Services Minister Colin Hansen leads federal Minister of State for Public Health Carolyn Bennett on a tour of the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC). The province is actively pursuing a partnership with the federal government to establish a new Canadian Centre for Disease Control,located at the BCCDC in Vancouver.

For more Information see: [News Release] [BC Centre for Disease Control]


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Health Services Minister Colin Hansen launches an organ donation registration campaign. With the Minister are: (L-R) MLA Susan Brice, transplant recipient Michael MacNeil and Bill Barrable of the BC Transplant Society.

For further information see: [News Release] [Backgrounder]



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  Health Services Minister Colin Hansen celebrates the start of construction for a new $29-million expansion of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. [News Release]

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  Health Services Minister Colin Hansen observes an example of Fraser Health's new PACS system, which will allow linking of MRIs and ultrasounds throughout the Fraser Health Authority.[News Release]


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On October 14, Minister Hansen received his flu shot in Vancouver to help publicize the importance of being vaccinated against influenza.Health-care workers, seniors and others at risk from influenza are urged to get vaccinated this flu season. To arrange your flu shot or for more information, call your doctor, the public health unit or the BCNurseLine at 1 866 215-4700 (604 215-4700 in the Lower Mainland).

For more information see: [News Release] [Backgrounder]



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On September 25, Minister Hansen attended the official opening of the Dr. Peter Centre in downtown Vancouver. The Dr. Peter Centre is the first supportive housing development and day-health program for people with HIV/AIDS in Canada.

For more information see: [News Release]



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  On July 12, 2003, Health Services Minister Colin Hansen and Health Planning Minister Sindi Hawkins attended the opening of SUCCESS's Health and Wellness Center in Vancouver. With the Ministers are (L to R): Dr. K.C. Li, Founder and Director of SUCCESS; Ken Tung, Director of SUCCESS and Lillian To, Executive Director of SUCCESS.


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Health Services Minister Colin Hansen announces the Fair PharmaCare program on February 24. Under the new program, low-income B.C. families will pay less for eligible prescription drugs.

For more information see: [News Release] [Program Information] [Webcast]



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Health Services Minister Colin Hansen fields a media question prior to the unveiling of the government's February 18th budget. Hansen is flanked by Education Minister Christy Clark and Transportation Minister Judith Reid.

More information see: Budget 2003


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Health Services Minister Colin Hansen oversees the single largest government ministry, with health care expenditures currently comprising over 41 per cent of all government spending.


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