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Original News Release





Dec. 14, 2007

Ministry of Health

Vancouver Island Health Authority

Capital Regional Hospital District




·        The emergency department at Victoria General Hospital was completed, along with the rest of the hospital, in 1983.

·        The original VGH emergency department was built to accommodate 10,000 visits a year. With a growing and aging population, annual visits to the emergency department have increased to 36,000 in 2006/07.

·        The new emergency department will be located on the north side of the hospital, closer to the Helmcken Road/Watkiss Way intersection. This provides a greater area for construction and will allow the new emergency department to be built without disrupting current emergency services.

·        The current emergency department is 530 square meters. The new emergency department will be three times this size, at 1,660 square meters.

·        The new emergency department will have a total of 35 treatment bays, up from the current 20. This includes:

o       11 acute care (currently 14);

o       Two trauma (currently one);

o       One pediatric trauma (currently none specific designated);

o       Three triage holding (currently none specifically designated);

o       Three pediatric, including a pediatric secure room (currently there are none);

o       Seven fast-track bays (currently fast-track beds are only available in the evenings, after Surgical Short Stay’s daily activities are completed);

o       Three procedure rooms (same as currently);

o       Two gynecology rooms (currently one); and

o       Three isolation rooms, including a pediatric isolation room (currently one).

·        The seven ‘fast-track’ beds will be a treatment area where patients with minor afflictions (‘the walking wounded’) can be treated and discharged efficiently.

·        The gynecology rooms will offer greater privacy and dignity for women, in particular women undergoing an exam after they have been sexually assaulted.

·        The current emergency department has one main entrance. The new emergency department will have three separate entrances: one for ambulatory patients, one for patients arriving by ambulance, and a third entrance for patients with highly infectious diseases who can be placed directly in an isolation room without putting other patients at risk. This area will also be equipped with a decontamination shower, which will allow individuals exposed to chemicals to be decontaminated without impact to the rest of the emergency department.

·        The newly constructed emergency department will be built to the latest infection control standards to reduce the opportunity for the spread of infections.

·        The new emergency department will serve a population of approximately 350,000 in the Greater Victoria area and over 700,000 people throughout VIHA, which is relevant as VGH serves as the regional trauma centre for Vancouver Island.

·        When the new emergency department is completed in 2009, the space currently occupied by the emergency will be reconfigured to provide other patient care services.






Marisa Adair

Communications Director

Ministry of Health

250 920-8500 (cell)

250 952-1887 (media line)

Suzanne Germain

VIHA Communications

250 370-8270


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