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Original News Release





Jan. 31, 2008

Ministry of Health

Victoria Police Department

Our Place




The Downtown Outreach Team is a multi-agency group of skilled professionals brought together to serve the homeless in the Victoria downtown core who suffer from mental illnesses and/or addictions.


The members of the Downtown Outreach Team are:


Dr. Ian Musgrave – Clinical Director of Tertiary and ACT Services for the Vancouver Island Health Authority

Dr. Musgrave is a psychiatrist and one of Canada’s leading experts in the field of assertive community treatment. He is clinical director for the four ACT/Outreach teams.


Karen Bahrey – Vancouver Island Health Authority

Currently acting as team leader for the Downtown Outreach Team, Karen Bahrey has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Victoria, and a master’ degree in leadership from Royal Roads University. Since 1986, Bahrey has worked with high-risk street youth as well as youth and adults who suffer from mental health and addictions issues. Her most recent role with the Vancouver Island Health Authority was as a social programs officer.


Jae Johnson – Our Place Society

Jae Johnson has been with Our Place Society, and previously the Open Door, for over 10 years as both an outreach worker and volunteer. She looks forward to many more years supporting the street family. Johnson is an alumnus of the University of Victoria and Camosun College.


Kim Taylor – Victoria Police Department

Kim Taylor’s career in policing began at the Esquimalt Police/Fire Department prior to the 2003 amalgamation of the Esquimalt and Victoria police forces when Kim became a member of the Victoria Police Department. She has served Victoria and Esquimalt as a patrol officer and as a member of the Bike/Beat Focused Enforcement Team. Raised in the Township of Esquimalt, Taylor has many hometown connections and is proud to serve as a founding member of the Downtown Outreach Team.


Brett Stewart – Victoria Police Department

In 1991, Brett Stewart graduated from the University of British Columbia with a bachelor of science degree. After university, Stewart had varied work experience, including seven years working in Youth Corrections. In December 2003, Stewart was hired by the Victoria Police Department. Following two years of patrol duty and general investigations, Stewart joined the Bike/Beat Focused Enforcement Team, which concentrates in the downtown core. During this time, Stewart has become familiar with the issues of homelessness and drug addictions.


Grace Fox – Vancouver Island Health Authority

Grace Fox is a certified resident care attendant and mental health worker and has studied addictions extensively in recent years. With 20 years of experience in mental health services from geriatrics to youth, she has worked in a wide variety of areas including youth (teenage girls) in crisis, various group home settings, and most recently with the Vancouver Island Health Authority’s Community Support Services team to help clients access and maintain housing.


Rob Horne – Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance

Rob Horne has been a drug and alcohol counselor with the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance for the past 15 years. Following his graduate studies at Camosun and Malaspina colleges, Horne has continued to enhance his education with various courses on drug and alcohol abuse and family violence. Horne joined the Downtown Outreach Team in October 2007. 


Alison Hanson – Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

Alison Hanson has been a probation officer for almost two years. She began her career in Port Hardy, and joined the Downtown Outreach Team in November 2007.  She graduated from the University of Alberta with a bachelor’s degree in criminology. Lending her expertise to this innovative program, Hanson is dedicated to protecting the public safety by proactively addressing criminological factors.


Shelley Thompson – Vancouver Island Health Authority

Shelley Thompson is a registered nurse and has almost 30 years of mental health nursing experience that includes working with adults, adolescents, and children.  She was also a member of an assertive community treatment team in Los Angeles.  With her extensive knowledge of community mental health, Thompson welcomes the opportunity to help disadvantaged and unwell people to live productive and independent lives in the community. 







Marisa Adair

Communications Director

Ministry of Health

250 920-8500 (cell)

250 952-1889 (media line)

Shannon Marshall


Vancouver Island Health Authority

250 370-8270

250 361-7685 (cell)


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