Honourable George Abbott

Pictured On September 28, Minister Abbott accepted a report from Child Health BC at the conclusion of the one-year public input into the Conversation on Health.

On September 28, Minister Abbott accepted a report from Child Health BC at the conclusion of the one-year public input into the Conversation on Health. "As we wrap up the year-long Conversation on Health, it is appropriate that our young people get the final say as the underlying message has been about ensuring a public heatlh system that is there for our children and granchildren," said Abbott. Picture left to right: Sue Carruthers, President & CEO, BC Children's Hospital Foundation; Dr. Bob Peterson, Director, Child Health BC; George Abbott, Minister of Health; Sharon Toohey, President, BC Children's Hospital and Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children; Robin Buller, Grade 11 student; Mary Polak, Parliamentary Secretary, Conversation on Health. [News release]

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