Reclaiming Native Prairie (Video/DVD)


Industrial activity on public land often involves stewardship of the native prairie. Drilling and pipeline construction permits can require the operator to reclaim the disturbed land and bring it back to a natural state. The reasons why this is important, the steps involved, the pitfalls to watch out for, and a whole host of ideas are included in this video to help make your reclamation project go as smoothly and efficiently as possible. (VHS 21 min.)


Copies of this video may be purchased by:

  • Calling 1-800-292-5697 (toll-free in Canada) or (780) 427-0391
  • Completing an order form and sending it to our Publications Office.
  • Buying VHS on-line.
  • Buying DVD on-line.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ken Blackley.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on June 13, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 30, 2007.