Animal Production

Beef Cow-Calf Manual $30.00
The fourth edition of The Beef Cow-calf Manual features 282 pages of the most up-to-date information available for cow-calf producers. Read more...
Bison Handling Facilities $15.00
This coil-bound book is a must for anyone considering building a new bison facility or remodelling an existing facility. Read more...
Cattle Handling: Psychology of a Cow (Video/DVD) $20.00
Learn about cattle psychology from the animal's point of view! Read more...
Corrals for Handling Beef Cattle $12.00
This best-selling book features information on cattle behavior, handling techniques, corral design corral geometry and corral components. Read more...
Fencing with Electricity $10.00
This fully illustrated book will help you choose and build the right electric fence for your operation. It looks at planning an electric fence, fence components electrifying existing fence, and fence safety Read more...
Firm Steps: Identifying Lameness in Dairy Cattle $20 per package (2 CDs)

This CD-ROM package will help you: Detect lameness in your dairy herd at an early stage; take steps to fix the problem; reduce the severity and cost of lameness; improve the welfare of your dairy cattle
Handling and Feeding Sheep (Video/DVD) $20.00
The care and handling of sheep is not the same as with other livestock. Because of the smaller size and easy temperament of sheep, they can and must be handled differently than cattle or hogs. Read more...
Proper bison handling reduces stress and results in improved overall animal health, better carcass quality and fewer injuries to both animal and handler. This video shows the strategies and techniques to help you handle bison more effective.
Handling Bison: Safely and Effectively (Video/DVD) $25.00
This video shows the strategies and techniques to help you handle bison more effectively. Read more...
Meat Goats $15.00
Whether you are just starting out or are an established meat goat producer, this book, with 25 illustrations and photos, record keeping charts, and a meat herd management calendar, provides you with new insights into meat goat productionThis second edition contains some updated information. Read more...
Raising Meat Rabbits in Alberta $5.00
This book gives you the general principles of rabbit raising. It tells you how to choose a breed and buy your stock.
Veterinary Parasitology - Laboratory Procedures $30.00
This manual gives you guidelines for collecting and examining samples for parasites or stages of parasites. Read more...
What's the Score? Body Conditioning Scoring for Livestock (CD-ROM) $10.00
This package of two CD-ROMs is designed to help livestock producers and horse owners determine the body condition score of their animals. Read more...

Other Documents in the Series

  Animal Production - Current Document
Crop Protection
Farm Business Management
Ag Tourism
Food Safety
Native Plants and Reclamation
Plant and Insect Identification
Predation of Livestock
Shop and Mechanics
Shows & Exhibitions
Soil Reports and Maps
Yards and Gardens
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on June 23, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on February 4, 2008.