Water Wells That Last (Video/DVD)


A good supply of fresh, clean water is a valuable resource. And getting that water from groundwater is a process that can't be taken for granted. A water well requires proper planning, construction, managing and maintenance. Find out how you can make your well the best it can be.

Planning and constuction
A farm couple needs more water to expand their operation. But is their water supply adaquate? Do they need a new well? Even though almost every well in Alberta is drilled by a licensed driller, it's important that you, the homeowner, understand both the process and the causes of potential problems. After all, it's your future he's installing. Wells aren't cheap. Learn how to do it right, the first time.

Managing and maintaining
A farm couple face a problem with their water quality. Depicts some more common problems associated with water wells; what symptoms to look for, and how to deal with problems. Also focuses on the methods and value of regular maintenance.

Shock chlorination
The presence of iron bacteria is a common problem in wells. See how to detect iron bacteria in your well, why it gets there, and step-by-step instructions on how to shock chlorinate your well to stop it. Shock chlorination is fast, easy and really pays off in terms of better well yield. Why not iron-out your water problems now? (VHS 42 min.)


Copies of this video may be purchased by:

  • Calling 1-800-292-5697 (toll-free in Canada) or (780) 427-0391
  • Completing an order form and sending it to our Publications Office.
  • Buying VHS on-line.
  • Buying DVD on-line.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ken Blackley.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on September 5, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 30, 2007.