Plant and Insect Identification

Common Plants of the Western Rangelands - Volume 1: Grasses and Grass-like Species $25.00
This book is a must for anyone who wants to identify the grasses and grass-like species that occupy the western rangelands. Read more...
Common Plants of the Western Rangelands - Volume 2: Trees and Shrubs $20.00
This book is a must for anyone who wants to identify the trees and shrubs that occupy the western rangelands. Read more...
Common Plants of the Western Rangelands - Volume 3: Forbs $$30.00
This book is a must for anyone who wants to identify the forbs that occupy the western rangelands. Read more...
Insect Identification Program (CD-ROM) $30.00
This comprehensive program about destructive insects in Western Canada covers physical characteristics, damage characteristics, economic thresholds, detection techniques, Read more...
Weed Seedling Guide $10.00
This convenient pocket size booklet helps farmers and others correctly identify weed seedlings. Read more...
Weeds Identification Program (CD-ROM) $10.00
This CD-ROM helps you identify the major economic weeds of Western Canada. Read more...
Weeds of the Prairies $25.00
This book is a comprehensive field guide to the common weeds across the Canadian prairie provinces. Read more...

Other Documents in the Series

  Animal Production
Crop Protection
Farm Business Management
Ag Tourism
Food Safety
Native Plants and Reclamation
Plant and Insect Identification - Current Document
Predation of Livestock
Shop and Mechanics
Shows & Exhibitions
Soil Reports and Maps
Yards and Gardens
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on December 13, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 23, 2007.