Finding Common Ground

This book gives you all the basic information you need to negotiate a win-win agreement. It explains the three-step negotiation process, interest-based negotiations, techniques for reaching agreements, and negotiations in business vs. community organizations. It will help you negotiate with a lender, boss, employee, landlord, community organization or family member. You'll also learn how to treat your opponent with respect while taking care of your own needs. A sample agreement and several worksheets are added features. 53 pages.

Agdex 1834-9

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Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Competition vs. Co-operation
  • Ways to Reach Agreements
    • Bargaining
    • Arbitration
    • Negotiation
    • Mediation
  • Interest-based Negotiation
    • Separate the People from the Problem
    • Focus on Interests, Not Positions
    • Invent Options for Mutual Gain
    • Use Objective Criteria
    • Start with an Open Mind
  • Negotiation Steps
    • Analyze the Situation
    • Define the Problem
    • Determine Interests and Positions
    • Identify Resources
    • Assess the Importance of the Relationship
    • Explore the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
    • Develop a Communication Strategy
    • See the Other Point of View
    • Listen to the Other Side
    • Think About How You Speak
    • Negotiate
    • Outline a Procedure
    • Clarify the Issue
    • Explore Interests
    • Identify Criteria for Forming an Agreement
    • Invent Options for Mutual Gain
    • Select the Preferred Option
    • Prepare a Written Agreement
    • Other Considerations in Negotiations
    • When and Where to Meet
    • Breaks
    • Involving a Third Party
    • Sources of Power
    • Tension Escalates
    • Negotiations with More than Two Parties
    • One Text Procedure
    • Summary of Steps
  • Negotiating in Business
  • Agreements in Organizations
  • Sample Written Agreement
  • Worksheets
    • Prepare to Negotiate
    • Separate the People from the Problem
    • The Problem is that
    • Moving from Positions to Interests
    • Questions to Move from Positions to Interests
  • References
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on April 24, 2001.