Pruning in Alberta

This book takes the mystery out of pruning. It shows how to control and maintain your trees and shrubs without distorting their natural form and beauty. You'll also learn how to increase fruit harvest and improve flowering. 23 pages.

Agdex 270/24-1

Copies of this book may be purchased by:
  • Calling 1-800-292-5697 (toll-free in Canada) or (780) 427-0391
  • Completing an order form and sending it to our Publications Office.
  • Buying on-line.
Table of contents
  • Pruning Tools
  • Plant Terms to Know
  • Basic Principles of Pruning
  • Pruning Techniques
  • Pruning Deciduous Ornamental Trees
  • Deciduous Tree recommendations
  • Pruning Evergreen Tress
  • Pruning Shrubs
  • Shrub Recommendations
  • Pruning Roses
  • Pruning Tree Fruit
  • Pruning Bush Fruit
  • Conclusion
  • Further Sources of Pruning Information
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on April 24, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 1, 2004.