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Lodge / Cabins

Dining Room Service

Fishing Packages

Hunting Packages



A dream vacation is yours at Portes-de-l'Enfer Lodge, located in the heart of Réserve faunique des Laurentides on the western bank of the majestic Rivière Pikauba. In addition to full-comfort accommodations and high-quality meals, you will enjoy a natural environment that is recognized as a paradise of speckled trout and moose. Discover our American plan fishing and hunting packages. A unique chance you won't want to miss!

Everyone who loves fishing for native speckled trout will be satisfied, since there are more than 25 fish lakes. Use either traditional methods or fly fishing…your choice! The territory, which is easily accessible, offers the best-quality catches in Québec. Discover our all-inclusive fishing package.
In the fall, the Portes-de-l'Enfer Lodge is reserved for moose-hunting enthusiasts. The abundance of game and the service of experienced guides are a guarantee of success. From season to season, trophy harvest and the hunting success rate remain high. Check out our all-inclusive hunting package.
Our dedicated staff does everything they can to make sure you have an unforgettable experience. All meals are served in our magnificent restaurant (exclusive to our customers), which has a breathtaking view of the river and surrounding nature. The cabins - where you will stay - are carefully taken care of for your comfort and enjoyment. Our staff also sees to preparing, wrapping, and storing your catches (hunting and fishing). All of these services are included in the packages we offer.

Hunting and fishing packages are not subject to the random draw.
May 16 to September 1, 2008
September 2 to October 7, 2008
The Portes-de-l'Enfer complex is located at km 146 of Route 175. From there you take gravel road number 18 for 6 km.


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