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Divided between the Lanaudière and Laurentides regions, Réserve faunique Rouge-Matawin is characterized by a well-defined duality. The distribution of the two watersheds that supply water to this reserve adjacent to Parc national du Mont-Tremblant give this territory two distinct characters: to the west, the at times spirited and at times lazy Rivière Rouge and its tributaries where speckled trout thrive, and to the east, the winding and mysterious Rivière Matawin and its tributaries where northern pike abound. In winter, the Saint-Michel sector becomes a mecca for snowmobiling enthusiasts owing to the many complementary activities and infrastructures related to trails, accommodations, restaurants and service stations.

• Take advantage of our Family Vacation Packages, Family Fishing Packages, Fishing-Camping Packages and our Small Game Hunting Packages


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