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Research Projects in National Parks

The mission of Québec's national parks is essentially to protect the province's representative territories and outstanding natural legacy, while making them accessible for educational and recreational purposes.

To ensure the protection of national parks, we first need to know these territories. This means that we must continue to take inventories of and ensure follow-up on the parks rich plant and wildlife and their individual natural phenomena. Special attention is also given to the protection and promotion of the parks historic legacy. Ongoing revision of knowledge allows us to make enlightened decisions and to take considered action when planning developments or conducting certain activities.

The research results also contribute to the development of relevant and enriching discovery activities for visitors, who are increasingly aware of the mission of our national parks, of their intrinsic value and of their contribution to maintaining biodiversity in Québec.

You will find various examples of the research and acquisition of knowledge projects conducted in Québec's national parks. We hope that they will encourage you to learn more and incite you to take part in the many discovery activities offered in each of Québec's 22 national parks.

We're looking forward to seeing you soon, for a fresh look at nature.

Conservation News 2007 (complete document) (pdf: 1 mo)
The following files are in PDF format.

English available

Northern saw-whet owl and boreal owl: two new nesting species for Parc national d’Aiguebelle (2007)

Study of the Peregrine Falcon (2006)

Les Paysages Trail: The Park's Flower (2005)


Estuary harbour seal… less common than one would think (2007)

Study of the Historical Evolution of the Flora of Parc national du Bic and Evaluation of the Real Effectiveness of a Protection Measure (2006)

Knowledge Synthesis of Park Flora (2005)


Evolution of the permafrost at Mont Jacques-Cartier (2007)

Buried Treasures: Deep in Rocky Glaciers (2006)

The Arial Inventory: An Indispensable Tool for the Survival of Gaspésie Caribou (Caribou) (2005)


Prevention: the key to living with the black bear (2007)

Maintaining Accessibility and Enhancing Protection of Mont de l'Acropole des Draveurs (2006)

Atlantic Salmon Monitoring in Rivière Malbaie (2005)


Reforestation pilot experiments at Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville: the study’s conclusions (2007)

The Beaver: A Rodent under Surveillance in Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville (2006)

Outdoor Laboratory at the Park (2005)


The expanding Devonian paleoestuary of Miguasha (2007)

Digs in the "Canal" Sector (2006)

Our Distant Agnathan Ancestors (2005)


Sentier des Crêtes trail revisited (2007)

Le Vallonier: A Restored Primitive Campsite (2006)

Avoiding the Ravages of Winter (2005)


Seeking out the wolf packs of Parc national du Mont-Tremblant (2007)

Listening to Bicknell’s Thrush in Parc national du Mont-Tremblant (2006)

Common Loon Protection Program (2005)


A new method for controlling poison-ivy is being tested at Parc national d’Oka (2007)

Amphibians and Reptiles: Sentinel Species for Parc national d'Oka (2006)

Beaver Territory Management Plan (2005)


Banding of migratory birds at Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon (2007)

The Phenomenon of Shore Erosion at Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon (2006)

Moose Browsing Inventory (2005)


Important scientific progress for arachnology at Parc national de la Yamaska (2007)

An Environmental Characterization of the Choinière Reservoir Watershed (2006)

Odonatologic Inventory (2005)


Aerial survey of the white-tailed deer on the territory of Parc national d’Anticosti (2007)

Follow-up on Frog Populations in Parc national d'Anticosti (2006)

Post-Fire Dynamics and the Postglacial History of the Rivière à la Patate Drainage Basin (2005)


Flies that are indicative of the state of biodiversity of the peat bogs of Québec and Vermont (2007)

Report on the Follow-up on Lac Saint-François Reed Populations (2006)

Fish Reveal Lac Saint-François Water Quality (2005)


Impact of acid rain on aquatic wildlife and establishment of a biological monitoring operation focusing on lakes (2007)

An Islet of Quebec’s Far North (2006)

At the Service of Climate Change Observation (2005)


Monitoring the life cycle of the northern gannet during the wintering period (2007)

Restoring Complexe Charles-Robin (2006)

Impact of Global Warming on Mammal Diversity on the Northern Islands: The Role of Freezing and the Migratory Filter Concept (2005)


Monitoring of Carabidæ and Curculionidæ populations at Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier (2007)

Follow-up on the Arctic Charr Population in Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier (2006)

Monitoring Amphibian Populations (2005)


Learning more about the micromammals of Parc national du Mont-Mégantic (2007)

Bats: Interesting Surprises at Parc national du Mont-Mégantic (2006)

Getting to Know Snow (2005)


An orchard having a low environmental impact at Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno (2007)

Epidemiological Study on Zoonoses Transmitted by Ticks in Québec and on the Seroprevalence of the Hantavirus in the Peromyscus Mouse (2006)

Study of Natural Populations of Five Coveted Forest Grasses (2005)


First survey of nocturnal raptors at Parc national des Monts-Valin (2007)

Follow-up on Sainte-Marguerite Atlantic Salmon Populations in Parc national des Monts-Valin (2006)

First Bird Census (2005)


Monitoring of a common hackberry population (2007)

State of the Little Bittern Population of Parc national de Plaisance (2006)

Study of Canada Geese Using Parc national de Plaisance as a Rest Area (2005)

Saguenay et parc marin du Saguenay-Saint-Laurent

Eighth five-year survey of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in Québec, in 2005 (2007)

Ice Fishing in the Waters of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park (cont.) (2006)

The Presence of Cougar in Parc national du Saguenay: Myth or Reality? (2006)

When Curiosity Leads to ... Unexpected Discoveries! (2005)

Moving Toward a Law for the Seals of the Saguenay-Saint-Laurent (2005)


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