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Activities and Services



Baie-Éternité Sector (Rivière-Éternité)

Baie-Éternité Information Kiosk: Welcome and information, entry fee, fishing access right and reservations. Period: Year-round (closed in April and November)

Saguenay Fjord Discovery and Visitor Centre: Welcome and information, permanent exhibit, Boutique Nature, Café du Pèlerin, food counter and reservations.
Period : From May 19 to October 8, 2007, 7 days a week

Baie-Sainte-Marguerite Sector (Sacré-Coeur)

Baie-Sainte-Marguerite Discovery and Visitor Centre: Welcome and information, permanent exhibit, Boutique Nature, Café du Hameau and reservations.
Periods : From May 19 to June 8, 2007, Saturday and Sunday
From June 9 to September 16, 2007, 7 days a week
From September 17 to October 8, 2007, Saturday and Sunday

Baie-du-Moulin-à-Baude Sector (Tadoussac)

Maison des Dunes Visitor Centre: Welcome and information, permanent exhibit, entry fee.
Periods : From May 19 to June 17, 2007, Saturday and Sunday
From June 22 to October 8, 2007, 7 days a week

Nature Boutique

A vast array of souvenirs, clothing for adults and children, discovery products for young people, and outdoor articles is offered at the Boutique Nature. All profits are re-invested in the park to enhance its conservation. By choosing our Parcs Québec collections, you are joining us in the development of Québec's natural and cultural heritage.

Equipment Rentals

Baie-Éternité Sector

  • Ice fishing shacks
  • Fishing gear
  • Snowshoes
  • Rowboat for lake fishing (new)

Food Services

Several places have been arranged to allow you to enjoy a meal or a snack in nature. At Café du Hameau, located in the Baie-Sainte-Marguerite Visitor Centre, and at the Café du Pèlerin of Baie-Éternité, the menu includes meals that are both tasty and wholesome.

Transportation Service
  • Azimuth offers a vehicle ferry service on the south shore.
  • A vehicle transfer shuttle on the north shore is offered by Ferme 5 Étoiles.
  • A water taxi for hikers is offered by Québec Hors-Circuits, Croisières AML and Groupe Dufour Cruises.
  • A land shuttle for ice fishers is offered by the park.

Guide Services

Short guided tours, Baie-Éternité sector (Rivière-Éternité)
  • Québec Hors-Circuits offers guided sea kayak and zodiac tours
  • A cruise is offered by Croisière Marjolaine
  • Guided hike with park warden
  • Introduction to sailing cruise with École Croisière Mercator
  • Rabaska canoe cruise with a park warden
  • Activities on passerine birds and owls

  • Long guided tours in all sectors:
  • Québec-Hors-Circuits offers long guided backpacking and sea kayak tours.
  • Fjord en Kayak offers long guided kayak excursions
  • Long guided tours are offered by the Ferme 5 Étoiles


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