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 Parcs Québec
 Wildlife Reserves
 Tourist Resorts
 Sépaq Anticosti
Discovering the Park

A Sea of Mountains

Enjoy an unforgettable getaway in this mountainous landscape made up, among other things, of Mont Chic-Chocs and Mont McGerrigle. Twenty-five peaks over 1000 metres high, featuring diversified vegetation and abundant wildlife, are your assurance of a total change of scenery.

Mont Albert, Simply Extraordinary!

Come see the park's glacial cirques, steep-walled valleys and wolds, including Mont Albert which features a unique ecosystem shaped by the harsh climate and the chemical composition of the soil. These conditions have contributed to the survival of rare plants, whose discovery is truly captivating.

I Love Hiking: Somewhat, Very Much, Passionately!

Make the most of this hiking paradise. Parc national de la Gaspésie has 140 km of hiking trails, 110 km of which are part of the Appalachian International Trail. The Ernest-Laforce trail is unique because you can reach two thirds of it by car. People of all ages can enjoy the view of the park's magnificent sea of mountains!

Gaspé Caribou

Get acquainted with the woodland caribou. The Gaspésie herd is the only representative of this species south of the Saint Lawrence, and the status of the remaining genetically distinct population is precarious. Learn more about this magnificent cervid and even have a chance to observe it, through the wide range of activities offered by the Parc national de la Gaspésie. Measures have also been taken to provide visitors with information about how to keep disturbance of this endangered species to a minimum.

Combining Comfort and Nature

Take advantage of the pleasures of the great outdoors while enjoying all the comforts of a hotel. Gîte du Mont-Albert is renowned for its hospitality, refined cuisine and numerous activities. All types of accommodations, including cabins, huts and campgrounds, are available in the park.


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